Cross Arm in Front of Chest
MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: l a t i s s i m u s d o r s i a n d t e r e s m a j o r
1.Stand or sit with the right arm slightly flexed (15° to 30°) and adducted across the chest.
2.Grasp the upper arm just above the elbow, placing the left hand on the posterior side of the upper arm.
3.Pull the right arm across the chest (toward the left) with the left hand.
4.Hold for 10 seconds.
5.Repeat with the left arm.
Stretching the upper back
Arms Straight Up Above Head (Pillar)
MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: l a t i s s i m u s d o r s i a n d w r i s t f l e x o r s
1.Stand with arms in front of torso, fingers interlocked with palms facing each other.
2.Slowly straighten the arms above the head with palms up.
3.Continue to reach upward with hands and arms.
4.While continuing to reach upward, slowly reach slightly backward.
5.Hold for 10 seconds.
Stretching the shoulders, chest and upper back
Spinal Twist (Pretzel)
MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: i n t e r n a l o b l i q u e , e x t e r n a l o b l i q u e a n d s p i n a l e r e c t o r s
1.Sitting with legs straight and upper body nearly vertical, place right foot on left side of left knee.
2.Place back of left elbow on right side of right knee, which is now bent.
3.Place right palm on floor 12 to 16 inches behind hips.
4.Push right knee to the left with left elbow while turning shoulders and head to the right as far as possible. Try to look behind the back.
5.Hold for 10 seconds.
6.Repeat with left leg.
Stretching the low back and sides
Semi-Leg Straddle
MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: s p i n a l e r e c t o r s
1.Sitting, knees flexed 30 to 50 degrees, let the legs totally relax.
2.Point the knees outward; the lateral side of the knees may or may not touch the floor.
3.Lean forward from waist and reach forward with extended arms. Hold position for 10 to 15 seconds.
4.Bending and relaxing legs decreases hamstring involvement and increases lower back stretch.
Stretching the low back from seated position