Body Solid G2B manual Stretching WARM-UP/COOL-DOWN

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Cross Arm in Front of Chest

MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: l a t i s s i m u s d o r s i a n d t e r e s m a j o r

1.Stand or sit with the right arm slightly flexed (15° to 30°) and adducted across the chest.

2.Grasp the upper arm just above the elbow, placing the left hand on the posterior side of the upper arm.

3.Pull the right arm across the chest (toward the left) with the left hand.

4.Hold for 10 seconds.

5.Repeat with the left arm.

Stretching the upper back


Arms Straight Up Above Head (Pillar)

MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: l a t i s s i m u s d o r s i a n d w r i s t f l e x o r s

1.Stand with arms in front of torso, fingers interlocked with palms facing each other.

2.Slowly straighten the arms above the head with palms up.

3.Continue to reach upward with hands and arms.

4.While continuing to reach upward, slowly reach slightly backward.

5.Hold for 10 seconds.

Stretching the shoulders, chest and upper back


Spinal Twist (Pretzel)

MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: i n t e r n a l o b l i q u e , e x t e r n a l o b l i q u e a n d s p i n a l e r e c t o r s

1.Sitting with legs straight and upper body nearly vertical, place right foot on left side of left knee.

2.Place back of left elbow on right side of right knee, which is now bent.

3.Place right palm on floor 12 to 16 inches behind hips.

4.Push right knee to the left with left elbow while turning shoulders and head to the right as far as possible. Try to look behind the back.

5.Hold for 10 seconds.

6.Repeat with left leg.

Stretching the low back and sides


Semi-Leg Straddle

MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: s p i n a l e r e c t o r s

1.Sitting, knees flexed 30 to 50 degrees, let the legs totally relax.

2.Point the knees outward; the lateral side of the knees may or may not touch the floor.

3.Lean forward from waist and reach forward with extended arms. Hold position for 10 to 15 seconds.

4.Bending and relaxing legs decreases hamstring involvement and increases lower back stretch.

Stretching the low back from seated position


Image 63
Contents Body-Solid Body-Solid F e r e n c e D r a w i n g s Personal Safety During Assembly Obtaining ServiceP o r t a n t S a f e t y I n s t r u c t i o n s Unpacking the Equipment F o r e Y o u B e g i nM e n s i o n s F e t y G u i d e l i n e s Installation Requirements E p a r a t i o n sRequired Tools S e m b l y I n s t r u c t i o n s Assembly TipsE P E P Two 54 3/8 x 2 3/4 hex head bolt Two 70 3/8 washer E P One 54 3/8 x 2 3/4 hex head bolt* One 70 3/8 washer You must wrench tighten these two bolts 54 nowE P E P E P One 92 3/8 x 5/8 allen bolt One 93 3/8 washer One 91 5/16 x 3/4 socket head allen bolt to hold in placeE P Two 92 3/8 x 5/8 hex head bolt Two 93 3/8 washer One 95 1/2 x 3/4 hex head bolt One 69 1/2 washerE P One 97 1/2 x 3/4 allen bolt One 69 1/2 washer E P Two 81 5/16 x 5/8 allen screw Two 82 5/16 washer E P Two 85 5/16 x 5/16 allen screw E P High Pulley Cable Diagram E P Diagram 1A Low Pulley Cable E P Short Cable Short Cable Diagram Multi Hip Cable Multi Hip Cable See Note 1 on Loosen Two 108 3/8 x 5/8 round allen head Two 70 3/8 washer Four 109 1/8 x 3/8 screwTwo 137 1/8 washer Two 109 1/8 x 3/8 screw Flat side J u s t m e n t s Seated Press Arms AA and AB AdjustmentPage Multi HIP AD Adjustment Page #DWSM-5 #DWRULE-4 R n i n g , S a f e t y & M a i n t e n a n c eSafety and Maintenance of Cables NUTS/BOLTS/FASTENERSλ Adjustments / Locking Pins / Tightening KNOBSλCABLESλ UPHOLSTERYλMaintenance PHRASES,& GUIDELINESTERMS, Tips A R T I N G R E S I S T a N C E L E V E L Nutrition Prescription Personal Program Training Method Exercisetips Chart Fitness Goals Weight Training Exercise LOG Sample Workout Routine When Training for Strength Weight Flexibility Stretching WARM-UP/COOL-DOWN Sides Stretching WARMWARM-UP/COOL-DOWN Stretching WARMWARM--UP/COOL-DOWN Posterior of Lower LEG Vertical Grip Chest PressIncline Press High Cable CrossoverLat Pulldown Seated RowShrugs Concentration Curl Seated Tricep ExtensionTricep Pressdown Standing Cable CurlDeltoid Raise Upright RowShoulder Press Calf Press Standing Leg CurlLeg Extension Leg PressGlute Kickback L T I H I PLeg Adduction Leg AbductionAb Crunch Oblique CrunchOblique Bend Build the Ultimate Fitness Center Decreased Performance G n s O f O v e r t r a i n i n gI g h t R a t i o s L i s t M a i n f r a m e P a r t s L i s tH a r d w a r e L i s t Allen Bolt 5/16 X 5/8 Full Thread H a r d w a r eC e s s o r i e s L i s t E L i s tKEY #51 HEX Head Bolt Full Thread QTY KEY #59 HEX Head Bolt KEY #66 Nylon Lock NUT Page P L O D E D V I E W A G R a M