Body Solid G2B manual L T I H I P, Leg Adduction, Leg Abduction, Glute Kickback

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M U L T I - H I P

Leg Adduction

(Inner Thigh)

1.Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.

2.Adjust the Multihip roller so you will be able to feel resistance throughout the full range of motion.

3.Grasp the handles for stability. Keep our left leg straight, extend your right leg so the roller is pushing against the inside of your leg.

4.Using inner thigh strength, slowly push your right leg across your body as far as comfortably possible.

5.Pause for a moment, then slowly return along the same arc, to the starting position. Repeat movement.

6.Exhale on exertion, inhale on return motion.

7.Readjust roller and repeat with your left leg.

Leg Abduction

(Outer Thigh)

1.Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.

2.Adjust the Multihip roller so you will be able to feel resistance throughout the full range of motion.

3.Grasp the handles for stability. Keep our left leg straight, extend your right leg so the roller is pushing against the outside of your leg.

4.Using outer thigh strength, slowly pull your right leg away from your body as far as comfortably possible.

5.Pause for a moment, then slowly return along the same arc, to the starting position. Repeat movement.

6.Exhale on exertion, inhale on return motion.

7.Readjust roller and repeat with your left leg.

Glute Kickback

(Gluteus Maximus)

1.Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.

2.Attach Ankle Strap to your left ankle and low pulley cable. Stand 1 to 2 feet away from the pulley facing into the machine.

3.Keeping your legs straight and your body balanced, allow the weight to pull your left leg toward the machine. Hold the frame of the gym for balance and support.

4.Keeping both legs straight and using Gluteal strength, slowly pull your left leg backward and behind your body as far as comfortably possible.

5.Pause for a moment, then slowly return along the same arc, to the starting position. Repeat movement.

6.Exhale on exertion, inhale on return motion.

7.Repeat with your right leg.


Image 73
Contents Body-Solid Body-Solid F e r e n c e D r a w i n g s Obtaining Service Personal Safety During AssemblyP o r t a n t S a f e t y I n s t r u c t i o n s Unpacking the Equipment F o r e Y o u B e g i nM e n s i o n s F e t y G u i d e l i n e s E p a r a t i o n s Installation RequirementsRequired Tools S e m b l y I n s t r u c t i o n s Assembly TipsE P E P Two 54 3/8 x 2 3/4 hex head bolt Two 70 3/8 washer E P One 54 3/8 x 2 3/4 hex head bolt* One 70 3/8 washer You must wrench tighten these two bolts 54 nowE P E P E P One 92 3/8 x 5/8 allen bolt One 93 3/8 washer One 91 5/16 x 3/4 socket head allen bolt to hold in placeE P Two 92 3/8 x 5/8 hex head bolt Two 93 3/8 washer One 95 1/2 x 3/4 hex head bolt One 69 1/2 washerE P One 97 1/2 x 3/4 allen bolt One 69 1/2 washer E P Two 81 5/16 x 5/8 allen screw Two 82 5/16 washer E P Two 85 5/16 x 5/16 allen screw E P High Pulley Cable Diagram E P Diagram 1A Low Pulley Cable E P Short Cable Short Cable Diagram Multi Hip Cable Multi Hip Cable See Note 1 on Loosen Four 109 1/8 x 3/8 screw Two 108 3/8 x 5/8 round allen head Two 70 3/8 washerTwo 137 1/8 washer Two 109 1/8 x 3/8 screw Flat side J u s t m e n t s Seated Press Arms AA and AB AdjustmentPage Multi HIP AD Adjustment Page #DWSM-5 #DWRULE-4 R n i n g , S a f e t y & M a i n t e n a n c eSafety and Maintenance of Cables CABLESλ Adjustments / Locking Pins / Tightening KNOBSλUPHOLSTERYλ NUTS/BOLTS/FASTENERSλMaintenance PHRASES,& GUIDELINESTERMS, Tips A R T I N G R E S I S T a N C E L E V E L Nutrition Prescription Personal Program Training Method Exercisetips Chart Fitness Goals Weight Training Exercise LOG Sample Workout Routine When Training for Strength Weight Flexibility Stretching WARM-UP/COOL-DOWN Sides Stretching WARMWARM-UP/COOL-DOWN Stretching WARMWARM--UP/COOL-DOWN Posterior of Lower LEG Incline Press Chest PressHigh Cable Crossover Vertical GripSeated Row Lat PulldownShrugs Tricep Pressdown Seated Tricep ExtensionStanding Cable Curl Concentration CurlUpright Row Deltoid RaiseShoulder Press Leg Extension Standing Leg CurlLeg Press Calf PressLeg Adduction L T I H I PLeg Abduction Glute KickbackOblique Crunch Ab CrunchOblique Bend Build the Ultimate Fitness Center Decreased Performance G n s O f O v e r t r a i n i n gI g h t R a t i o s L i s t M a i n f r a m e P a r t s L i s tH a r d w a r e L i s t Allen Bolt 5/16 X 5/8 Full Thread H a r d w a r eC e s s o r i e s L i s t E L i s tKEY #51 HEX Head Bolt Full Thread QTY KEY #59 HEX Head Bolt KEY #66 Nylon Lock NUT Page P L O D E D V I E W A G R a M