Philips GC1701, GC1830, GC1820, GC1815, GC1814, GC1720, GC1703, GC1702, GC1710, GC1705 manual Features

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lfor moderate steam (temperature settings 2 to 3) ; for maximum steam (temperature settings 3 to MAX)

The iron will start steaming as soon as the set temperature has been reached.

Ironing without steam

1Set the steam control to position O (= no steam).

2Select the recommended ironing temperature (see chapter 'Preparing for use', section 'Setting the temperature').


Spray function (specific types only)

You can use the spray function to remove stubborn creases at any temperature.

1Make sure that there is enough water in the water tank.

2Press the spray button several times to moisten the article to be ironed (fig. 7).

Steam boost (specific types only)

A powerful shot of steam helps to remove stubborn creases.

The steam boost function can only be used at temperature settings between 3 and MAX.

1Press and release the steam boost button (fig. 8).

Wait a while before using the button again to avoid spluttering.

Never direct the steam at people.

Vertical steam boost (GC1830/GC1820/GC1815/GC1814 only)

1The steam boost function can also be used when you are holding the iron in vertical position.This is useful for removing creases from hanging clothes, curtains, etc (fig. 9).

Never direct the steam at people.

Automatic shut-off (GC1830 only)

The electronic shut-off function automatically switches the heating element off if the iron has not been moved for a while.

The auto-off light starts blinking to indicate that the iron has been switched off by the safety

shut-off function (fig. 10).

-In horizontal position, this will happen after 30 seconds.

-In vertical position, this will happen after 8 minutes.

To let the iron heat up again:

-Pick up the iron or move it slightly.The auto-off light goes out.

-If the temperature light goes on, wait for it to go out before you start ironing.

-If the temperature light does not go on, the iron is ready for use.

Image 8
Contents Page Page Page Page Page English General descriptionSteam control = no steam Before first usePreparing for use Using the applianceEnglish Features Cleaning and maintenance After the Calc-Clean processAfter ironing Double-Active Calc System specific types onlyCleaning the steam control needle Guarantee & servicePull the steam control out of the appliance fig StorageTroubleshooting Problem Possible cause SolutionDeutsch Allgemeine BeschreibungWichtig Vor dem ersten GebrauchDas Gerät verwenden DeutschFür den Gebrauch vorbereiten Merkmale Reinigung und Wartung Nach dem BügelnDouble Active-Kalksystem nur bestimmte Gerätetypen Nach dem EntkalkenDie Nadel des Dampfreglers reinigen AufbewahrungUmweltschutz Garantie und KundendienstProblem Mögliche Ursache Lösung FehlerbehebungAvant la première utilisation FrançaisDescription générale Utilisation de lappareil FrançaisAvant utilisation Repassage sans vapeur CaractéristiquesFonction Spray certains modèles uniquement Jet de vapeur certains modèles uniquementAprès le traitement anti-calcaire Nettoyage et entretienAprès le repassage Nettoyage de la tige de la commande de vapeur Garantie et serviceRangement EnvironnementProblème Cause possible Solution DépannageNederlands Algemene beschrijvingStoomregelaar = geen stoom BelangrijkHet apparaat gebruiken NederlandsKlaarmaken voor gebruik Functies Na het gebruik van de Calc-Clean-functie Schoonmaken en onderhoudNa het strijken Double-Active Calc-systeem alleen bepaalde typenGarantie & service De naald van de stoomregelaar schoonmakenOpbergen MilieuProblemen oplossen Probleem Mogelijke oorzaak OplossingEspañol Descripción generalImportante Antes de utilizarlo por primera vezUso del aparato EspañolPreparación para su uso Planchado sin vapor CaracterísticasPulverizador sólo en modelos específicos Supervapor sólo en modelos específicosUna vez realizado el proceso Calc-Clean Limpieza y mantenimientoDespués del planchado Sistema antical de doble acción sólo en modelos específicosCómo limpiar la aguja del control de vapor AlmacenamientoMedio ambiente Garantía y servicioGuía de resolución de problemas Problema Posible causa SoluciónItaliano Descrizione generaleRegolatore di vapore = niente vapore Prima di utilizzare lapparecchio per la prima voltaModalità duso dellapparecchio ItalianoPredisposizione dellapparecchio Caratteristiche Al termine della procedura Calc-Clean Pulizia e manutenzioneAl termine della stiratura Sistema anticalcare a doppia azione solo per alcuni modelliCome pulire lastina del regolatore di vapore Come riporre lapparecchioTutela dellambiente Garanzia e assistenzaProblema Possibile causa Soluzione Risoluzione dei guastiPortuguês Descrição geralControlo do vapor = sem vapor Antes da primeira utilizaçãoUtilização do aparelho PortuguêsPreparação Passar sem vapor Função de borrifador apenas em modelos específicosSuper Vapor apenas em modelos específicos Super vapor vertical apenas GC1830/GC1820/GC1815/GC1814Após o processo Calc-clean Limpeza e manutençãoQuando terminar Limpe a parte de cima do aparelho com um pano húmidoLimpeza da agulha do controlo do vapor ArrumaçãoAmbiente Garantia e assistênciaResolução de problemas Problema Causa provável SoluçãoNorsk Generell beskrivelseDampbryter = ingen damp ViktigBruke apparatet NorskFør bruk Funksjoner Rengjøring og vedlikeholdRengjøre dampbryternålen Dobbeltvirkende avkalkingssystem gjelder kun bestemte typerEtter avkalkingsprosessen Miljø Garanti og serviceOppbevaring Problem Mulig årsak Løsning FeilsøkingSvenska Allmän beskrivningViktigt Före första användningenAnvända apparaten SvenskaFörberedelser inför användning Funktioner Rengöring och underhållDubbelverkande avkalkningssystem endast vissa modeller Avkalkningsfunktionen avlägsnar kalkpartiklarnaEfter avkalkningen Rengöring av ångvredsnålenMiljön Garanti och serviceFörvaring Problem Möjlig orsak Lösning FelsökningSuomi Laitteen osatTärkeää KäyttöönottoSuomi Vesisäiliön täyttäminenLämpötilan valinta KäyttöOminaisuudet Puhdistus ja hoitoAseta höyrynvalitsin asentoon O CalcClean-toimenpiteen jälkeenHöyryn säätimen neulan puhdistus Takuu & huolto SäilytysYmpäristöasiaa Vianmääritys Ongelma Mahdollinen syy RatkaisuDansk Generel beskrivelseDampvælger = ingen damp VigtigtSådan bruges apparatet DanskKlargøring Tørstrygning uden damp Spray-funktion ikke alle modellerDampskud ikke alle modeller Lodret dampskud kun GC1830/GC1820/GC1815/GC1814Efter Calc-Clean-processen Rengøring og vedligeholdelseEfter brug Double-Active Calc System ikke alle modellerReklamationsret og service Rengøring af ventilnålenOpbevaring MiljøhensynProblem Mulig årsag Løsning FejlfindingGC1830/1820/1815/1814/1720/1705 Page Page System Page Clean 78 Türkçe Genel açıklamalarÖnemli İlk kullanımdan önceCihazın kullanıma hazırlanması Su haznesinin doldurulmasıSıcaklığın ayarlanması Cihazın KullanımıTemizlik ve bakım 80 TürkçeÖzellikler Çift Etkili Kireç Sistemi sadece belirli modellerde Kireç Temizleme işleminden sonra82 Türkçe Buhar kontrol düğmesinin çubuğunun temizlenmesiSaklama ÇevreSorun giderme Sorun Nedeni ÇözümPage Page Page Page 4239 000