Appendix A: DeviceNet™ Slave Communication
Select the second Gateway Block and set it up for I/O Polled Response Data 00000, with a length of 4, and the Direction Gateway To Device. This will be the Write Data Block. FIG. 36 shows both Gateway blocks once com- pleted.
FIG. 36: DeviceNet Block Mapping
NOTE: Read and Write are from the Gateway point of view. This means the master can send data in Block A, so the Gateway can read data. On the other hand, the master can only pull data from Block B, so the Gateway can only write data.
The addressing scheme available is outlined below:
BitC – Identifies the I/O
BitR – Identifies the I/O
PollC – Identifies the I/O Poll command data (Master to Slave).
PollR – Identifies the I/O Poll response data (Slave to Master).
DataC – Identifies the I/O Consumed Data (Master to Slave).
DataP – Identifies the I/O Produced Data (Slave to Mas- ter).
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