Serial Communication Troubleshooting
This section is used to troubleshoot the communication between two devices linked via serial ports, i.e. RS232 or RS485.
TIP: For communication troubleshooting, it is strongly advised to create a new Graco Gateway database including only one data tag mapped to a known register in the target device.
Values show | Port settings do not match. | Check that the port settings of the |
| Graco Gateway device match the tar- |
| get device (i.e. Baud, Parity, etc.). |
| Incorrect target device address. | Check that the target device address |
| in Graco Gateway (in communica- |
| tions on the PLC symbol) matches |
| the target device address setup. |
| Incorrect cable. | Check the cable part number or |
| cabling to match your protocol. |
| Incorrect communication port. | Check if the cable is connected to the |
| correct communication port. |
| If the above is correct, check that the |
| protocol settings are on the correct |
| communication port in Graco Gate- |
| way. |
| Communication port connector pins | Although unlikely, check the commu- |
| bent inward. | nication port connector pins on the |
| Graco Gateway in case some are |
| bent inward resulting in a bad contact |
| with the cable. |
| Incorrect tag mapping. | Check that the tag is mapped to an |
| existing register in the target device. |
Values blink between the data and | Incorrect tag mapping on one of the | Delete tags one after another and |
tags on the display. | download | |
| ues on the screen stop blinking, the |
| last deleted tag was mapped incor- |
| rectly or accessed an unknown regis- |
| ter in the target device. |
| Communications | Increase the Slave Response or |
| Device Timeout on the communica- |
| tion port or target device in Graco |
| Gateway. |
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