PBX configuration | FortiGate Voice |
Voicemail Access Enter the exact pattern that PBX users dial to get their voicemail. For example, for users to dial *99 to get their voice mail, enter *99.
Outgoing Prefix The number that PBX users must dial to get an outside line. For example, if users should dial 9 to get an outside line, add 9 to this field. The outgoing prefix should not be the same as the first number of the extension range.
Max Voicemail Select No Limit if you don’t want to limit the voice mail duration. Otherwise
Duration enter a maximum time in seconds for voice mail recordings.
Voicemail Notification Email Settings
SMTP server Enter the email server IP address or domain name. The FortiGate Voice unit uses this email server for sending voicemail notification emails to PBX users.
Authentication | Select if the email server requires authentication. If you enable authentication |
| you must also add a username and password. |
User Name | Enter a valid username for an account on the email server. |
Password | Enter the password for the account on the email sever. |
Monitoring calls
You can monitor incoming and outgoing calls from PBX > Monitor > Active Call.
You can view information for all active calls including the originator of the call (From) the destination of the call (To), how long the call has been active (Duration), the codec used for transmitting voice packets, and the status of the call.
Monitoring SIP Trunk status
You can monitor status of the external SIP trunks or VoIP service providers that you have added to the FortiGate Voice configuration. To monitor SIP trunk or VoIP service provider status go to PBX > Monitor > SIP Trunk Status.
For each service provider you can see the name of the service provider, the host name of the SIP server that the FortiGate Voice unit connects to, the account type, the username for the account, and the state of the relationship between the FortiGate Voice unit and the service provide. If status is Registered the FortiGate Voice unit is able to connect to and register with the service provider.
Figure 13: Monitoring VoIP provider status
Monitoring the status of PBX extensions
You can monitor the status of the extensions added to the FortiGate Voice configuration. Status information includes the extension number and the Host name or IP address of the extension as registered with the FortiGate Voice unit. To monitor extension status go to PBX > Monitor > Extension Status.
If the information displayed about an extension includes a host name or IP address the extension is operating and can send or receive calls with the FortiGate Voice unit. If no host name or IP address is displayed the extension cannot communicate with the FortiGate Voice unit. For example, the extension could be shut down or not able to connect to the FortiGate Voice because of network issues or configuration problems with the configuration of the extension phone or softphone.
FortiGate Voice Version 4.0 MR1 Administration Guide
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