Sparky Group P 282 Chamfering and Rebating, Parallel Fence Guide, Shavings Extraction

Page 9

2.Switch on the tool and wait for the blades to reach full speed.

3.Move the tool gently forward, applying pressure on the front of the tool, using your hand on the

VHFRQGDU\KDQGOH  DWWKHVWDUWRISODQLQJDQG pressure at the rear of the tool, using your hand


4.Push the planer beyond the edge of the work- piece without tilting it downwards.

NOTE. Planing is easier if you incline the work- piece slightly away from you so that you plane “downhill”.

5.The rate of planing and the depth of cut deter-

PLQHWKHTXDOLW\RIWKHILQLVK)RUURXJKFXWWLQJ you can increase the depth of cut, however to achieve a good finish you will need to reduce the depth of cut and advance the tool more slowly.

CAUTION: Moving the machine too fast may cause a poor quality of cut and can dam- age the blades or the motor. Moving the ma- chine too slowly may burn or mar the cut.

The proper feed rate will depend on the type of material being cut and the depth of the cut. 3UDFWLFH¿UVWRQDVFUDSSLHFHRIPDWHULDOWRJDXJH the correct feed rate and the cut dimensions.

CAUTION: Always use two hands to hold the planer. Where possible, clamp the workpiece to the bench.


1.To make a chamfered or rebate cut as shown in (Fig. 10). )LUVW DOLJQ WKH WKUHH ³9´ JURRYH (Fig. 11)LQWKHIURQWEDVH  RIWKHSODQHUZLWK the corner edge of the workpiece.

2.Run the planer along the corner edge.


(Fig. 10)± $ 5HEDWHGHGJH



CAUTION: Always ensure that the tool is switched off and unplugged from the power supply before making adjustments or installing or removing blades.


SDUDOOHOIHQFHDWWDFKPHQWNQRE  DQGVOLGHWKH fence guide on to the planer (Fig. 12, 13).

NOTE.0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHWZRQRWFKHVLQWKH¿[- ing plate of the fence locate over the two lugs on the planer body.

5HSODFH WKH IHQFH DWWDFKPHQW NQRE   DQG tighten it firmly (Fig. 14).

3.Loosen the wing nut securing the fence slide, position the slide to the desired rebating width and re-tighten the wing nut.

4.The numbers on the fence indicate the rebating


5.If it is necessary to rebate to a precise width, plane a scrap piece of wood, measure the re- bate distance and adjust the setting if neces- sary (Fig. 15).


1.Depending on which side of the planer you wish



7KHGXVWEDJ  FDQEHLQVWDOOHGWRDOORZVKDY- ings to flow either to the left or to the right of the workpiece.


Cleaning the bag:(PSW\WKHGXVWEDJE\XQ- ]LSSLQJWKHOHYHUORFNORFDWHGRQWKHERWWRPRI the bag and tap it gently to remove dust. On oc- casion, slip the bag off of the frame and turn EDJLQVLGHRXW%UXVKGXVWRIIRIWKHOLQLQJXVLQJ a soft brush.

4.A workshop dust extraction system or a house- hold vacuum cleaner can be connected to the

DGDSWRU WXEH   IRU WKH HIILFLHQW UHPRYDO RI dust and shavings permitting a safer and clean- er working environment.


CAUTION: Always ensure that the tool is switched off and unplugged from the power supply before making adjustments or installing or removing blades..

1.To replace the drive belt first take out the four cross-head screws that secure the drive belt cover on the left-hand side of the planer as viewed from the rear (Fig. 17).

2.Remove the damaged belt and use a soft brush to clean the pulleys and the surrounding area.



Instruction Manual













pages-P282.indd 7


Image 9
Contents 720W 1516 Introduction ContentsConnection to vacuum cleaner Description of SymbolsWear respiratory protection Conforms to the requirements Russian standardsII Technical III Safety instructions  $OZD\V VZLWFK RII EHIRUH \RX SXW WKH SODQHU down Service +DQGOHWKHEODGHVYHU\FDUHIXOO\ CuttingKnow your product Removing and Installing Planer BladesVI Operation Prior to Initial OperationAdjusting the the Planning Depth Installing a Planer BladeSwitching on and OFF Removing a Planer BladeChamfering and Rebating Drive Belt ReplacementParallel Fence Guide Shavings ExtractionViii Warranty VII MaintenanceAccessories Brush ReplacementDeballage SommaireMontage Respect DE L’ENVIRONNEMENTLégende Securite Electrique Aire DE TravailSecurite Personnelle Modèle 282Depannage Utilisation ET Entretien DE L’OUTIL ElectriqueUne surchauffe potentielle 0DQLSXOHOHVODPHVDYHFSUpFDXWLRQ&RQWDFWDYHFOHVODPHV NomenclatureInstaller UNE Lame DE Rabot Enlever OU Installer LES Lames DE RabotVI Utilisation Avant LE Début DE TravailAllumer ET Eteindre Reglage DE LA Profondeur DE CoupeRabotage ChanfreinageAccessoires Remplacement DE LA Courroie D’ENTRAINEMENTGuide Parallele Extraction DES CopeauxChanger LES Balais VII Entretien Viii GarantieNettoyage HV VSpFL¿FDWLRQV SHXYHQW GLIIpUHU VHORQ OHV paysǰȐȓȒȓțȖȓ ǾȜȒȓȞȔȎțȖȓɈɉɂɋȺɇɂȿɋɂɆȼɈɅɈȼ ɊȺȻɈɑȿȿɆȿɋɌɈ ȀȓȣțȖȥȓȟȘȖȓȒȎțțȩȓƊɅȿɄɌɊɂɑȿɋɄȺəȻȿɁɈɉȺɋɇɈɋɌɖ ɅɂɑɇȺəȻȿɁɈɉȺɋɇɈɋɌɖɊȿɊȼɂɋ ƊɄɋɉɅɍȺɌȺɐɂəɂɍɏɈȾɁȺ ƊɅȿɄɌɊɈɂɇɋɌɊɍɆȿɇɌɈɆ282 ɈȿɊȿȾɇȺɑȺɅɈɆɊȺȻɈɌɖȱ ȁȕțȎȗȏȜșȪȦȓȜ  ȟȐȜȓȚȖțȟȠȞȡȚȓțȠȓɆɈɇɌȺɀɂȾȿɆɈɇɌȺɀɅȿɁȼɂɃ ɁȺɆȿɇȺɅȿɁȼɂɃɆȺɋɌɊɈɃɄȺȽɅɍȻɂɇɕɋɌɊɈȽȺɇɂə ȻɄɅɘɑȿɇɂȿɂȼɕɄɅɘɑȿɇɂȿɊɌɊɈȽȺɇɂȿ ɅɂɇȿɃɄȺ ȻɕȻɈɊɄȺɑȿɌȼȿɊɌɂɂ ɊɇəɌɂȿɎȺɋɄɂɌȾȺɅȿɇɂȿɋɌɊɍɀȿɄ ɁȺɆȿɇȺȾȼɂɀɍɓȿȽɈɊȿɆɇəDZȎȞȎțȠȖȭ ǼȏȟșȡȔȖȐȎțȖȓǴȎȚȓȥȎțȖȭ ɁȺɆȿɇȺɓȿɌɈɄǰȨȐȓȒȓțȖȓ ǾȨȒȨȞȔȎțȖȓɊȺɁɈɉȺɄɈȼȺɇȿ ɊȽɅɈȻəȼȺɇȿɈɉɂɋȺɇɂȿɇȺɋɂɆȼɈɅɂɌȿ ǶțȟȠȞȡȘȤȖȖȕȎ ȏȓȕȜȝȎȟțȜȟȠ ȀȓȣțȖȥȓȟȘȎ  ȟȝȓȤȖȢȖȘȎȤȖȭɊȺȻɈɌɇȺɈȻɅȺɋɌ ⱾɅȿɄɌɊɂɑȿɋɄȺȻȿɁɈɉȺɋɇɈɋɌ  ȏȓȕȜȝȎȟțȜȟȠȝȞȖ   ȞȎȏȜȠȎȟȓșȓȘȠȞ   ȞȓțȒȓȠȎ ⱾɄɋɉɅɈȺɌȺɐɂəɂȽɊɂɀȺɁȺ ⱾɅȿɄɌɊɈɂɇɋɌɊɍɆȿɇɌȺɊȿɊȼɂɁɇɈɈȻɋɅɍɀȼȺɇȿ 31 BG ȁȘȎȕȎțȖȭȕȎȞȎȏȜȠȎ ǵȎȝȜȕțȎȐȎțȓȟ  ȓșȓȘȠȞȜȖțȟȠȞȡȚȓțȠȎɈɊȿȾɂȾȺɁȺɉɈɑɇȿɌȿɊȺȻɈɌȺ ɆɈɇɌȺɀɂȾȿɆɈɇɌȺɀɇȺɇɈɀɈȼȿɌȿɆɈɇɌȺɀɇȺɇɈɀ ȾȿɆɈɇɌȺɀɇȺɇɈɀɆȺɋɌɊɈɃȼȺɇȿȾɔɅȻɈɑɂɇȺɌȺɇȺ ɊȿɇȾɈɋȼȺɇȿ ɈɍɋɄȺɇȿ±ɋɉɂɊȺɇȿɊɇȿɆȺɇȿɇȺɎȺɋɄɂɂɎɊȿɁɈȼȺɇȿ ɈȺɊȺɅȿɅȿɇȼɈȾȺɑɁɁɏȼɔɊɅəɇȿɇȺɋɌɔɊȽɈɌɂɇɂɌȿ ɈɈȾɆəɇȺɇȺɁȺȾȼɂɀȼȺɓɂəɊȿɆɔɄ ǽȜȒȒȞȨȔȘȎɈɈȾɆəɇȺɇȺɑȿɌɄɂɌȿ ɈɈɑɂɋɌȼȺɇȿǴȎȏȓșȓȔȘȖ DZȎȞȎțȤȖȭSDJHV3LQGG ɝ SDJHV3LQGG ɝ SDJHV3LQGG ɝ 5