RotoZip RZ2000 manual

Page 13

RZ 2610001563 07-09:RZ 2610001563 07-09 7/24/09 10:13 AM Page 13

Step 1: Be certain that the box or fixture is firmly mounted and all wires or other obstructions around the opening are pushed back out of the way. The bit uses the outer edge of the box or fixture as a guide, so it is important that there is nothing in the way which can prevent it from guiding completely around the opening. For the purposes of this instruction manual, the procedure discussed will be to make a cut-out around a standard 2 1/8" x 3 3/4" electrical box.

Step 2: Slide switch to turn the tool on. While holding the Sprial Saw® firmly with both hands, plunge the bit through the mark you made. Then guide the bit to the right until you feel and hear the bit touch the inside edge of the box (Fig. 11).

Step 3: Pull the bit out far enough to slip it over the edge of the box so it is now against the outside of the box (Fig. 12).

Step 4: While keeping the bit in contact with the outside of the box move the tool counter clockwise while applying light inward and upward pressure until you feel and hear it come to the corner. As you round the corner apply light pressure left and downward (Fig. 12).

Step 5: While moving slowly and continuously along the top contour you will feel the bit come to the next corner. Round the corner and apply light down and inward pressure until the bottom corner is reached (Fig. 12).

Step 6: Move the bit right and upward maintaining light continuous pressure toward the box (Fig. 12).

Step 7: Round the right bottom corner and begin moving the bit upward while applying light pressure left toward the box until you meet initial upward cut. Push Sprial Saw® switch to off (Fig. 11).

Step 8: The completed box, executed quickly, neatly, and in a fraction of the time taken by other methods.

FIG. 11

NOTE: These step-by-step instructions are generalized to acquaint you with the Sprial Saw’s® operation. After some practice, you may develop a technique with which you are more comfortable. However, you must always begin the cut somewhat centrally, and MOVE THE Sprial Saw® ONLY COUNTER- CLOCKWISE to take advantage of the “hugging” action of the bit along the contours of the template. Remember to use a smooth, continuous motion. The exception to this rule applies to cutting window and door openings. Since you are tracing around the inside of the framing members, move the bit clockwise to take advantage of the bits “hugging” action.

FIG. 12







USING THE VACUUM PORT Your Spiral Saw® is designed to work with the Rotozip model DM5 Dust Management

Kit. Visit your local Rotozip retailer or call 1-877-ROTOZIP (1-877-768-6947) for more information.


Image 13
Contents Ver la página RZ 2610001563 07-09RZ 2610001563 07-09 7/24/09 1013 AMWork area safety General Power Tool Safety WarningsElectrical safety Personal safetyService Additional Safety WarningsProtruding cutting bit may cause tool to jump Spiral Saw Safety RulesZipmate Abrasive Cut-Off Attachment Safety Rules Causes and Operator Prevention of Recoil Jigsaw Handle Attachment Safety RulesSymbol Name Designation/Explanation SymbolsSpiral Saw Functional Description and SpecificationsRemoving and Installing AssemblyDepth Guide ASSEMBLy Installing BitsOperating Instructions Installing the Support StrapElectronic Variable Speed Control Depth Guide AdjustmentThumb Screw Worklight Instructions for Creating CUT-OUTS in DRyWALL Make a FEW Practice CutsFor OUTLETS, can LIGHTS, WINDOWS, and Doors Page Foot Zipmate Abrasive Cut Off AttachmentSHAFT-LOCK Your Abrasive Cut-Off attachmentAttachment Rotozip Connect Interface Locking Collar Removing and Installing Abrasive CUT OFF AttachmentAbrasive Wheels Installing X-WHEEL and ZipCollar Wheel Guard Lock Levercover Release Button Shield Making a CUT Using the Vacuum PortFoot Direction of CUT Wheel Direction Not Included with ALL Kits Upper Lock Lever Locking PIN Jigsaw HandleDepth Adjustment Thumb Screw Installing and Removing the Jigsaw Handle AttachmentLower Lock Lever Locking PINCleaning MaintenanceFeatured Attachments Accessories & AttachmentsExtension Cords Xcores XbitsZip Wheels XwheelsZIP Bits Sécurité électrique Sécurité du lieu de travailUtilisation et entretien des outils Électroportatifs Avertissements supplémentaires concernant la sécuritéEntretien Le plomb provenant des peintures à base de plombEn saillie peut faire sauter loutil Consignes de sécurité pour Spiral SawRZ 2610001563 07-09RZ 2610001563 07-09 7/24/09 1013 AM ’employez pas de fer à Causes du rebond et façons dont Lopérateur peut le prévenirToujours serrer fermement la vis de réglage de Pendant l’usinage Suffisant pour les fers à toupillerSymbole Nom Désignation/Explication SymbolesCompartiment DE Rangement DE LA CLÉ Courroie DE Préhension Description fonctionnelle et spécificationsDouille Manette DE Blocage VIS À SerrageAssemblage Interrupteur MARCHE/ARRÊT Coulissant Avec Arrêt Consignes de fonctionnementLa dureté du matériau pour améliorer la qualité de la Variateur Electronique DE VitesseVIS À Serrage Éclairage D’APPOINT Executer DES Coupes D’ESSAI Utilisation DE L’ORIFICE D’ASPIRATION De mieux la maîtriser en cas de rebond Accessoire de tronçonnage à meule ZipmatePoignee DE Maintien Laterale Dure ’OBTURATEUR DE Capot SemelleTronçonnage a Meule Montage DE Meules X-WHEELS et Zip Accessoire SortieZipmate MeulePour Tronçonner Plaque DE Base Poignée de scie à chantournerLevier DE Verrouillage Inférieur Poignée DE Scie À ChantournerGoupille DE Blocage Réglage DE LA ProfondeurNettoyage EntretienCordons de rallonge Accessoires et complémentsCompléments présentés Embout Xbits métal XB-MC Embout Xbits de traçage XB-MPGP Embout Xbits pour sous-finition XB-ULMeules Zip Meules XwheelsEmbouts ZIP Meules ZIP Seguridad eléctrica Seguridad del área de trabajoSeguridad personal Mecánicas Advertencias de seguridad adicionalesServicio de ajustes y reparaciones Comience Aquí Pieza DE Trabajo Broca Sentido DE Avance Normas de seguridad para la Spiral SawRZ 2610001563 07-09RZ 2610001563 07-09 7/24/09 1013 AM RZ 2610001563 07-09RZ 2610001563 07-09 7/24/09 1013 AM Símbolo Nombre Designación/explicación SímbolosCon aislamiento doble De Li-ionRiesgo de arrancar la herramienta accidentalmente Descripción funcional y especificacionesLUZ DE Trabajo CollarínInstalación DE LAS Brocas EnsamblajePara evitar daños a la Cambio DEL PortaherramientaInterruptor Corredizo DE Encendido Y Apagado CON Cierre Instrucciones de funcionamientoTornillo DE Apriete Manual LUZ DE Trabajo Ajuste DE LA Guía DE ProfundidadConsejos Prácticos Haga Cortes DE EnsayoUtilización DEL Orificio DE Aspiración Mango Lateral DE Control Auxiliar Duro Aditamento de rueda abrasiva ZipmatePIE Cierre DEL EJEAditamento DE Rueda AbrasivaInterfaz Rotozip Connect Aditamento Collarín DE Fijación Wheel y Zip Instalación DE Ruedas AbrasivasEJE DE SalidaLa profundidad máxima de corte es 3/4 de pulgada 19 mm Realización DE CortesUtilización DEL Orificio DE Aspiración Palanca DE Fijación Superior Pasador DE Mango de sierra caladoraPalanca DE Fijación Inferior Orificio DE Aspiración Gatillo PLACA-BASEPalanca DE Fijación Inferior Mango DE Sierra CaladoraPasador DE Fijación Palanca DE Fijación Superior InferiorServicio MantenimientoLimpieza Aditamento para cortar círculos CRCT4 Cordones de extensiónJuego de control del polvo DM5 Brocas ZipSierras DE Copa Xcores Brocas XbitsRuedas Zip Ruedas XwheelsBrocas ZIP Ruedas ZIP Limited Warranty of Bosch Portable and Benchtop Power Tools