Campbell Hausfeld WG4000 operating instructions Wire Feed Arc Welder

Page 2

Wire Feed Arc Welder

General Safety










and clothing when performing any

● Never allow any part of body to


metalworking operation. Take all








precautions described in this manual to






touch wire and ground or grounded







reduce the possibility of skin and









work piece at the same time.











clothing burns.






● Before starting or servicing any

● Awkward welding conditions and








● Make sure that all persons in the



electric arc welder, read and



positions can be electrically








welding area are protected from



understand all instructions. Failure



hazardous. When crouching,









heat, sparks, and ultraviolet rays.



to follow safety precautions or



kneeling or at elevations, be sure to









Use additional face shields and



instructions can cause equipment



insulate all conductive parts, wear









flame resistant barriers as needed.



damage and/or serious personal



appropriate protective clothing, and








● Never touch work pieces until



injury or death.





take precautions to prevent injury


● All installation, maintenance, repair



from falls.








completely cooled.

● Never attempt to use this equip-




Heat and




and operation of this equipment













should be performed by qualified



ment at current settings or duty














persons only, in accordance with



cycles higher than those specified


produced during electric arc




national, state, and local codes.



on the equipment labels.


welding and other metal-








● Never use an electric arc welder to


working operations can











use of




thaw frozen pipes.


ignite flammable and explosive







materials! Take all precautions

electric arc welders can cause











electric shock, injury, and










described in this manual to reduce the








possibility of flames and explosions.




death! Take all precautions


and hot metal can cause












● Remove all flammable materials



described in this manual to reduce the

injury. As welds cool, slag












within 35 feet (10.7 m) of welding

possibility of electric shock.

can be thrown off. Take all













arc. If removal is not possible,

● Verify that all components of arc

precautions described in this manual to





tightly cover flammable materials



welder are clean and in good

reduce the possibility of injury from







with fireproof covers.



condition prior to operating the

flying sparks and hot metal.






● Do not operate any electric arc



welder. Be sure that the insulation

● Wear ANSI-approved (American




on all cables, wire feed gun, and



National Standards Institute-



welder in areas where flammable or



power cords is not damaged.



approved) face shield or safety



explosive vapors may be present.



Always repair or replace damaged



glasses with side shield protection


● Take precautions to be sure that



components before operating



when chipping or grinding metal



flying sparks and heat do not cause



welder. Always keep welder panels,











flames in hidden areas, in cracks,



shields, etc. in place when operating

● Wear ear plugs when welding



behind bulkheads, etc.



the welder.

















overhead to prevent spatter or slag







● Always wear dry, protective









from falling into ears.







clothing, welding gloves, and










Do not weld on containers or





insulated footwear.








pipes that contain or have



● Always operate welder in a clean,

welding operations produce






contained flammable











dry, well ventilated area. Do not






materials or gaseous or liquid



intense light and heat and








operate it in humid, wet, rainy, or














ultraviolet (UV) rays. The













poorly ventilated areas.















intense light and UV rays can cause









● Be sure work piece is properly







injury to eyes and skin. Take all












supported and grounded before

precautions described in this manual to


closed cylinders or containers





beginning any electric arc welding

reduce the possibility of injury to eyes


such as tanks or drums can








and skin.







cause explosion if not














● Coiled welding cable should be

● All persons operating this


properly vented! Verify that any



spread out before use to avoid



equipment or in the area while


cylinder or container to be welded has



overheating and damage to



equipment is in use must wear


an adequate ventilation hole, so that








protective welding gear including


expanding gases can be released.





Never immerse the



welding helmet or shield with at


















Do not















wire or wire feed



least a rating of shade 10, flame












gun in water. If the welder becomes



resistant clothing, leather welding


fumes that are produced by


wet for any reason, be absolutely



gloves, and full foot protection.


the arc welding operation.


certain that it is completely clean and




















Never look at arc


These fumes are dangerous.

dry before using!





welding operations


If the welding area cannot be

● Always shut equipment off and



without eye protection as described


adequately ventilated, be sure to use



unplug power prior to moving

above. Never use a shade filter lens


an air supplied respirator.






that is cracked, broken, or rated below


● Keep head and face out of welding

● Always attach work lead first.

number 10. Warn others in the area not









● Verify that work piece is securely

to look at the arc.







● Do not perform electric arc welding






















operations on metals that are










● Always shut off electric arc welding








galvanized or cadmium-plated, or









equipment when not in use, and cut

welding operations cause




that contain zinc, mercury or



off any excess wire from wire feed

sparks and heat metal to






beryllium without adhering to the











temperatures that can cause




following precautions:







severe burns! Use protective gloves













































Image 2 Contents
Unpacking General SafetyDescription Circuit RequirementsWire Feed Arc Welder Additional Safety Standards InstallationAssembly Model WG4000Foot Assembly Wheel and Axle AssemblyWire Installation Cylinder Bracket AssemblyShielding Gas Installation Welding Helmet AssemblyHandshield Assembly PolarityGAS Types Hookup ProcedureOperation RegulatorWelding Guidelines MaintenanceChanging Wire Sizes GeneralSolid Wire Wire Type and SizeFLUX-CORE Wire Wire SpeedPull Push Supply Cable ReplacementWeld Passes Push VS Pull TechniqueFor Information About This Product, Call Troubleshooting Chart WelderTroubleshooting Chart Welds Limited 5-3-1 Warranty What is not covered under this warrantyWG4000 Wiring Diagram For Replacement Parts, call Replacement Parts List Model WG4000 Description Part Number QtyGlossary of Welding Terms Shielded Metal Arc WeldingWire Feed Arc Welder Modèle WG4000 17 FrGénéralités Sur La Sécurité Suite 18 FrNational Electrical Code Code Électrique National Avertissement Toujourss’assurerNormes DE Sécurité Additionnelles 19 FrModèle WG4000 MontageCollier De Mise a La Terre Polarité Montage SuiteMontage du Casque de Soudeur Facteur D’UTILISATION/ Protection ThermostatiqueMontage de l’écran à main Installation de Gaz ProtecteurMontage du Casque de Soudeur Suite Changement de Tailles de Fils FonctionnementEntretien Rouleau D’ENTRAÎNEMENTPrincipes Du Soudage a l’Arc Directives De SoudageGénéralités Directives De Soudage Suite Tirer Pousser Remplacement du Cordon d’AlimentationGuide de dépannage Soudeur 26 Fr27 Fr Guide de dépannage SouduresGarantie Limitée 28 Fr 29 Fr ’il vous plaît fournir l’information suivanteListe De Pièces De Rechange Modèle WG4000 30 FrSoudure À L’arc Au Chalumeau Lexique de Termes de SoudageSoudure À L’Arc Fourré de Flux Soudure À L’Arc Au Métal Enrobé32 Fr Advertencia indica DescripciónMedidas de Seguridad Para desempacarAdvertencia Nuncamire 34 SpInstalación Advertencia CercióreAdvertencia Nunca EnsamblajePinza Advertencia termiInstalacion del alambre Polaridad Ensamblaje del CascoEnsamblaje de la máscara de mano Ciclo DE Trabajo / Proteccion TermicaFuncionamiento Instalación de la Botella de GasAdvertencia El cilin Piezas consumibles o que se Desagstan MantenimientoAdvertencia ecte y Como cambiar de alambresInstrucciones para Soldar Técnicas Básicas Para Soldar Con ArcosInstrucciones para Soldar Continuación Hale Empuje Diagnostico Diagóstico de Averías-SoldadoraPara Reemplazar el Cable 42 Sp43 Sp Diagóstico de Averías-SoldaduraGarantía Limitada Soldadora Con Arco Con Alambre Continuo 44 Sp45 Sp InformaciónLista de Repuestos Modelo WG4000 46 SpSoldar con Arcos de Tungsteno Glosario de terminología usada por soldadoresSoldar con Arcos de Metal Gaseoso 48 Sp