maintenance & additional information
Your HD camcorder is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The suggestions below will help you fulfill any warranty obligations and allow you to enjoy this product for many years.
●For safekeeping of the HD camcorder, turn off the HD camcorder.
-Remove the battery pack and AC power adaptor. page 13,16
-Remove the memory card. page 27
Cautions when storing
●Do not leave the HD camcorder in a place where the temperature is very high for a long period of time: The temperature inside a closed vehicle or trunk can become very high in a hot season. If you leave the HD camcorder in such a place, it could malfunction or the case could be damaged. Do not expose the HD camcorder to direct sunlight or place it near a heater.
●Do not store the HD camcorder in a place where the humidity is high or in a dusty place: Dust entering the HD camcorder could cause malfunctions. If humidity is high, the lens could become moldy, and the HD camcorder could become inoperative. It is recommended that you put the HD camcorder in a box together with a small silica bag when storing it in a closet, etc.
●Do not store the HD camcorder in a place subject to strong magnetism or intense vibration: This could cause malfunctions.
●Detach the battery pack from the HD camcorder and store it in a cool place: Leaving the battery pack attached or storing it at high temperature could shorten its life.
Cleaning the HD camcorder
Before cleaning, turn off the HD camcorder and remove the battery pack and AC power adaptor.
●To clean the exterior
-Wipe gently with a soft dry cloth. Do not apply excessive force when cleaning, gently rub the surface.
-Do not use benzene or thinner to clean the camcorder. The coating of exterior could peel off or the case could deteriorate.
●To clean the LCD screen
Wipe gently with a soft dry cloth. Be careful not to damage the monitor.
●To clean the lens
Use an optional air blower to blow out dirt and other small objects. Do not wipe the lens with cloth or your fingers. If necessary, wipe gently with lens cleaning paper.
-Mould may form if the lens is left dirty.
-If the lens looks dimmer, turn off the HD camcorder and leave it for about 1 hour.
您的高清数码摄像机是具有超级设计和工艺的产品,应该小心对待。下面的 建议将帮助履行所有担保义务,并让您多年使用本产品。
-取出存储卡。 ➥第27页
封闭的车辆或卡车在炎热的季节会变得很热。如果您将高清数码摄 像机留在此类地方,可能会出现故障或损坏外壳。切勿将高清数码 摄像机直接暴露在阳光下或放在靠近热源的地方。
灰尘进入高清数码摄像机可能会造成故障。如果湿度很高,镜头会 发霉,而高清数码摄像机可能会导致不能正常工作。将高清数码摄 像机存放在壁橱中时,建议您将其与干燥剂一起放入盒子中。
•切勿将高清数码摄像机保存在磁性很强或强烈震动的地方: 这可能导致故障。
•从高清数码摄像机卸下电池组,并将其存放在阴凉得地方: 将连接的电池组存放在温度很高的地方可能会缩短其寿命。
-用柔软的干布轻轻擦拭。清洁时请勿过度用力,轻轻擦拭表面即 可。
使用可选购的吹风机将灰尘和其它小物体吹走。切勿用布或手 指擦拭镜头。如果必要,使用镜头清洁纸轻轻擦拭。
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