Certain safety hazards are inherent in any wood heater installation. You should be aware of these so that a safe and proper installation can be made.
1.FAULTY CHIMNEY: An older masonry chimney should be thoroughly checked to be sure there are no holes or weak spots which could allow sparks or hot gases to escape.
2.HEAT CONDUCTION: Placing combustible materials too close to a heater or chimney can be a fire hazard.
By keeping these particular hazards in mind as you install and use your room heater you can ensure a safe, reliable installation.
For your protection, read and follow these safety precautions closely.
1.Use a spark arresting shield (3/8” mesh) on top of the chimney. Check monthly as this is a code requirement in some areas.
2.Use smoke detectors around the heater as well as in sleeping areas.
3.Keep a fire extinguisher rated for Class “A” fires near the heater.
4.Check with your insurance company to be sure your policy covers the installation and use of a wood fired room heater.
The connector and/or chimney should be inspected at least once a month during the heating season to determine if a creosote buildup has occurred.
If creosote has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
6.Locate furniture and any other combustibles away from the heater.
7.Store firewood at a safe distance from the heater.
8.Disposal of Ashes: Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should be placed on a
9.Always exercise caution when using your heater. Be particularly careful when there are children around an operating heater.
CAUTION!! NEVER use gasoline,