GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
Ic Prepare boiler location — clearances
Clearance options:
Large space
The boiler space must be at least as big as shown in Figure 1 to qualify as a large space.
•Air openings to a large space can be per manual Section Ie.
•The space will probably be large enough for most service and maintenance to be done in place.
Small space
You can install the boiler in a space smaller than Figure 1, but no smaller than shown in Figure 2 — this is called a small space installation.
•Air openings to a small space must provide at least 1 square inch free area for every 1,000 Btuh of boiler input (at least 75 sq. in. for
•Air openings have to be within 6 inches of the floor and 6 inches of the ceiling of the space to prevent overheating of boiler internal components.
•Provide at least screwdriver clearance to jacket front panel screws for removal of front panel for inspection and minor service.
•The boiler cannot be serviced in place. Pipe the boiler with unions and isolation valves so it can be slid out of the space and serviced in an adjacent area. The space has to be equipped with a door so boiler can be accessed, unpiped and removed.
•No other appliance or air handler can be installed in the same space or share its air supply.
Install the boiler so control system components are protected from
dripping or spraying water or
rain during operation. Allowing these components to become wet could cause a boiler failure, resulting in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
Figure 1
Large space — minimum clearances between boiler and walls or obstructions as below; see Section Ie for minimum combustion/ventilation air opening sizing.
| Wall |
| 6" |
| min |
Wall | 36" | 6" | Wall |
min | min | ||
| Boiler |
| front |
| 36" |
| min |
Wall or obstruction
| Ceiling |
| 36" |
| min |
Wall |
| Wall |
36" | Boiler | 6" |
min | min | |
| front |
| Floor |
10 | Part number |