Kompernass KH 1099 manual Commissioning, Using the Wok for keeping food warm, Heat levels

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On the first usage, the generation of light smoke and a slight smell can occur, this is due to produc- tion residues. This is completely normal and is not dangerous. Provide for sufficient ventilation, for example, open a window.

Heat levels

The various heat levels of the temperature regulator 8 are guideline values:

Heating levels 1-2: For keeping foods warm.

Heating levels 3-4: For braising and boiling.

Heating level 5: For roasting.


NEVER operate the thermo-plinth 7 without the Wok 3 in position. There is a real risk of overheating.

1.Insert the power cable 5 into the thermo-plinth 7.

2.Insert the power cable 5 into a wall power socket.

3.Now place the Wok 3 onto the thermo plinth 7.

4.Adjust the temperature regulator 8 to the desired heating level. The control lamp 9 glows.

Ensure that the Wok 3 stands safely and level on the thermo-plinth 7.


Do not overfill the Wok 3! The maximum volume (fluids) amounts to 1.5 l.


NEVER lay aluminium foil or other materials between the thermo-plinth 7 and the Wok 3, if you do, irre- parable damage may be caused to the Electrical Wok. Additionally, there would be an increased risk of a fire!

5.Then place the desired ingredients into the Wok 3. If necessary, add some oil or fat into the Wok 3.

6.Attach the drip grill 0 into the Wok 3, which is used to collect items that are quickly cooked in the Wok 3, whilst other items, those requiring a somewhat longer cooking time, remain in the Wok 3.

7.For steaming and boiling – depending on the recipe being used – place the glass lid 2 onto the Wok 3.

Using the Wok for keeping food warm

If you wish to use the Wok 3 for serving and keeping food warm …

1.Firstly, turn the temperature regulator 8 down to heating level 1.

2.Remove the Wok 3 from the thermo-plinth 7 and place it on a non-heated surface (e.g. a switched-off, completely cooled down hotplate).

3.Remove the power cable 5 first from the wall socket and then from the thermo-plinth 7.

4.Place the thermo-plinth 7 at the desired location. Ensure that the surface at the location is level, firm and heat-resistant.

5.Insert the power cable 5 first back into the thermo- plinth 7 and then into a wall socket.

6.Place the Wok 3 with the food to be kept warm onto the thermo-plinth 7.

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Contents Electric WOK Sd f Mounting the lid handle ContentCommissioning Recipe tipsElectric WOK KH Safety instructionsIntended usage Risk of Burns Technical dataFunction To avoid the risk of property damageBefore the first use PlacementItems supplied DescriptionHeat levels Using the Wok for keeping food warmInsert the power cable 5 into a wall power socket CommissioningStorage Cleaning and careTroubleshooting Clean the housing of the themo-plinth 7 with a moist spongeDisposal Warranty & ServiceImporter Mix everything together RecipesChicken with coconut milk Tagliatelle with vegetablesFillet of beef with cauliflower Coloured Thai riceSide dish Fruit salad Banana pancakesRecipe tips Page Zamontowanie uchwytu pokrywki Spis Treści StronaUruchomienie Porady do przepisówWskazówki bezpieczeństwa Elektryczny WOK KHAby uniknąć zagrożenia poparzenia i odniesienia obrażeń Dane techniczne FunkcjaPrzed pierwszym użyciem Zakres dostawyOpis Miejsce stawianiaZakres ogrzewania Do podtrzymywania 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