H.Before Switching On
1.Turn ON the exhaust hood before starting the Combi
2.Lock the Suction Plate into place top and bottom.
3.Never reach behind the Suction Plate during operation.
4.Never manually stop the fans.
5.Lock the Engaging Frame or the Shelf Rack into place.
6.If the Combi has been delivered when the outside temperature is below 40° F then wait for the Combi to warm up to room temperature (about 72° F) before operating.
7.If the Combi has been delivered when the outside temperature is below 32° F then the cooking compartment high limit safety thermostat will be tripped.
a.The cooking compartment high limit safety thermostat must be reset a qualified Cleveland Range authorized service technician.
b.Wait for the Combi to warm up to room temperature (about 72°F) before operating.
8.If the Combi has been delivered when the outside temperature is below 23° F then the steam generator high limit safety thermostat will be tripped.
a.The boiler high limit safety thermostat must be reset by a qualified Cleveland Range authorized service technician.
b.Wait for the Combi to warm up to room temperature (about 72°F) before operating.
9.Remove the plastic cover from the tip of the Temperature Probe before starting the Combi.
10.In case of an “E...” error message, refer to the chapter “What to do if...”
I.Before Startup for Use
Note: If the COMBI has been delivered when the outside temperature is below 40° F then wait for the COMBI to warm up to room temperature (about 72° F) before operating.
Note: If the COMBI has been delivered when the outside temperature is below 32° F then the cooking compartment high limit safety thermostat will be tripped. The cooking compartment high limit safety thermostat must be reset a qualified Cleveland Range authorized service technician. Wait for the COMBI to warm up to room temperature (about 72°F) before operating.
Note: If the COMBI has been delivered when the outside temperature is below 23° F then the steam generator high limit safety thermostat will be tripped. The steam generator high limit safety thermostat must be reset by a qualified Cleveland Range authorized service technician. Wait for the COMBI to warm up to room temperature (about 72°F) before operating.
Note: Remove the plastic cover from the tip(s) of the Temperature Probe before starting the Combi.