Kenmore 665.13169K702, 13163 Loading Recommendations, Recommended TURBOZONE10 place top rack load

Page 14

Loading Recommendations

The bottom rack is best suited for plates, pans, casseroles, and utensils. (See recommended loading patterns shown.)

Load small items in the bottom rack only if they are secured in place.

Load plates, soup bowls, etc., between tines.

Load bowls securely between the rows of tines. Ensure that there is space between dishes so that the spray will reach all surfaces.

Load heavily soiled items facing the spray.

NOTE: Ensure that detergent dispenser is not blocked by tall items such as cookie sheets and cutting boards placed at the left-hand front of rack. See "Start Up/Quick Reference" section.


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10 place load

12 place load


IMPORTANT: For proper performance, only one row of items may face the TURBOZONETM spray jets.

You must select the TURBOZONETMwash option to utilize this wash feature.

Load pans, casserole dishes, etc. with the soiled surfaces

facing the TURBOZONETM spray jets. TURBOZONETM wash area is located at the back of the lower dish rack.

Below are the recommended loading when using the




Recommended TURBOZONE10 place top rack load

Recommended TURBOZONE10 place bottom rack load


Image 14
Contents Ultra Wash HEDishwasher Lavavajillas Ultra Wash HE WIOO82930ATable of Contents Protection Agreements Disclaimer of Implied Warranties Limitation of Remedies Kenmore Elite Appliance WarrantyFIVE-YEAR Limited Warranty on Upper and Lower Racks Product RecordExplosive Dishwasher SafetyYour safety and the safety of others are very important Grounding Instructions For a grounded, cord-connected dishwasherParts and Features No-flip clipSTART-UP /QUICK Reference Ultra Wash removable filters ProvideUltra Wash Filtration System Dishwasher Efficiency Tips Cleaning InstructionsFilter Reinstallation Instructions Filter Removal InstructionsDetergent and Rinse AID RnseAdLoading Check that all Spray arms spin freely before every cyclePlace load Deluxe Adjustable 2,position RackLoadingRecommendations Flexible Tines and No,Flip ClipsRemovable Top Rack Track stop closed Track stop open Remove front rack wheelLoading Recommendations Recommended TURBOZONE10 place top rack loadIMPORTANTDonotblockdetergentdispenser Knife HolderIiiiiiiiiiii Symbol Description SmbolDishwasher USE HhhhhhTough/Baked-On Soil LevelLightto Medium HeavySteam Sanitize OptionsHi Temp Top Rack OnlyControl Lock Option Delay HoursTo delay the start Yes Washing Special ItemsDishwasher Safe? To clean interior Dishwasher CareDrying Page PROBLEM. Solution Dishware and HardContratos DE Proteccion Contratos maestros de proteccibnExclusion DE Garantjas Impljcitas Limitacion DE Recursos Registro DEL ProductoSeguridad DE LA Lavavajillas Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demas es muy importanteNo seguir estas instrucciones puede ocasionar CONEXlON a TierraGuarde Estas INSTRUCClONES Piezas Y CARACTERiSTICAS BED%NTE Puesta EN Marcha / Referencia RapidaFiltracion Ultra Wash Heultra Wash HefiltrationSistema DE Filtracion Ultra Wash Filtro inferiorInstrucciones de limpieza Agua muy duraInstrucciones para quitar los filtros IM PortanteImportante Consejos Para LA Eficiencia DE LA LavavajillasDetergente Y Agente DE Enjuague Selecci6n de nivel del agente de enjuague Detergentes previamente medidosLlenado del depbsito Para regular la seleccionC0MO Cargar Puntasflexibles y sujetadores seguros Para volver a colocar la canasta Para quitar la canastaSaque la rueda frontal de la Referencia.pida ¢#\ f C6mo cargar en TURBOZoNETMPortacuchUlos IMPORTANTENoobstruyaeldep6sitodedetergentePuntas plegables USO DE LA Lavavajillas Simbolo DescripcibnCiclos CicloSmartWashE Hi Temp Temperatura alta Opciones Opci6n Turbozonetm PuedeLo que hace Pots Pans Ollas Cacerolas Normal Wash LavadoDespu6squeseterminaelciclode PlatossuperiorOro Lavable en laLavavajillas? Para limpiar el interior Cuidado DE LA LavavajillasLimpieza externa Limpieza del interior Para limpiar la purga de aire delProblema Solucion Cristaleria LA Lavavajillas noSeca OloresRUlDOS Notas Contrats DE Protection VAppels de service illimits et service national, aussiTable DES Matii RES Contrats principaux de protectionNumro de module Numro de srie Garantie DES Appareils MI Nagers Kenmore EliteEnregistrement DU Produit Voue ne euivez pas imm6diatement lee instructions SI!CURITI!DU LAVE-VAISSELLERisque possible de d6cs ou de blessure grave ei Risque possible de d6cs ou de blessure graveINSTRUCTiONS DE MiSE a LA Terre Pour un lave=vaisselle branch en permanenceIll Mise EN Marche / Familiarisation Rapide Systeme Filtration UltraFiltre inferieur Systi ME DE Filtration Ultra WashLorsquon S61ectionne Ioption TurboZoneTM Nettoyage Eau tres dureDpose du filtre Conseils Defficaciti Pour LE LAVE-VAISSELLE Ergent Agent DE RinqageRglage pour agent de rin£age Quantits de dtergent pr-mesuresRemplissage du distributeur Processus de rglageChargement Panier ustensiles Recommandationspourle chargementCharge de 10 articles Tiges de sparation flexibles et agrafes de retenueRinstallation du panier Extraction du panierMarche- Familiarisationrapide Panier & couteaux Important Veiller.nepasbloquerledistributeurde d6tergentTiges de sparation rabattables Panier & couverts segmentableChargement des couverts Symbole Description Le laveUtilisation DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Vaisselle seSymbole Description Symbole China Gentle porcelaine lavage en douceur Pots Pans casseroles et ustensilesNormal Wash lavage normal Hour Wash lavage en une heureTop Rack Only panier suprieur seulement Pour commander la raise en marche diffreSteam Sanitize assainissement la vapeur Heated Dry schage avec chaleurRactivation des commandes Option de verrouillage des commandesDsactivation des commandes Non Lavage DarticlesspeciauxLave-vaisselle? Entretien DU LAVE-VAISSELLE LE LAVE-VAISSELLE NE Remarque Remisage pour ItRemisage pour Ihiver Fonctionne PASLeaureste Dans LE BAC/NE SE Vidange PAS OdeursEndommagee Probleme Solution Bruyant RemarquesResidus DE BAC Decolore Remarques Probleme Vaisselle Couverte Dune Pellicule OUTachee et solution pour Ieaudure LE-FOYER Mc SU-HOGAR