Resilient Server Links Overview
Resilient server links add redundant function to your server to protect against network disruption and data loss.
To use resilient links, you must install two or more 3Com ATMLink NICs in your system. During the network driver configuration procedure, at least one NIC must be designated as an active NIC, and one a standby. The standby NIC takes over when the link on a designated active NIC port is lost.
Rules for Using Resilient Links
■Resilient server links are established only among ATMLink NICs installed in the same computer.
■To make a resilient server link, at least two ATMLink NICs must be installed in the same computer, and one of the NICs must be an active NIC.
■Active NICs and their standby NICs must be connected to switches on the same ATM network.
■Up to three standby NICs can be assigned to a single active NIC.
■A single standby NIC can be assigned to as many as three active NICs.
■In a
NIC 1 now becomes a standby NIC for NIC 2.
■When a standby NIC assigned to multiple active NICs becomes active, it can no longer be a standby NIC for its other designated active NICs.
■When an active NIC with multiple standby NICs fails, the first eligible standby NIC (in driver load order) assumes the configuration profile of the active NIC. If this NIC in turn fails, the next designated standby NIC (in driver load order) takes over, and so on.