cSelect the number that matches the _x number in the Parameters box title.
For example, if the title is 3C971F_1, select the number 1. If the title is 3C971F_2, select the number 2, and so forth.
5Enter ELAN Name.
This is the network name of the server that you prefer the client to join. Configuration servers, such as the 3Com Cellplex 7000™, require the ELAN name of the LES that you want the client to join. Other vendors may require only the
6Enter the LECS/LES network address.
The ATM network address is 20 bytes (40 characters) in length. The NetWare parameters are restricted to a maximum of 35 characters. Therefore, the network address entry for the server is divided into two parts, the prefix entry and the ESI/SEL entry. Refer to Figure