FastConnect The OfficeConnect Remote’s proprietary connection protocol that allows fast connection between units either over the ISDN link or over a permanent leased line WAN link.
Fiber optics A technology that uses laser light pulses, sent over thin glass fibres, which is able to deliver data at speed up to several gigabits per second.
File server A computer running a special operating system that allows workstations to access files.
Filter A configuration that removes types of data frames based on
Firewall A method of preventing unauthorized access to a network or a host on a network. A firewall is usually implemented within a router’s software.
Frame The method by which a data packet is constructed to be sent across a network. Usually assembled with header and footer information.
Gateway Another name for a router on a network.
Hop count The number of routing nodes between a source and destination device on a LAN or WAN.
Host A device or computer on an IP network to which you can connect.
Hub A cabling centre in a star topology that either amplifies a signal and transmits it (active hub) or simply passes the signal along (passive hub).
Hyperterminal The terminal emulation program provided with Microsoft Windows 95™ .
IEEE The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange, the default data packet protocol for Novell’s NetWare operating system.