Network layer The third layer of the OSI reference model. This layer is responsible for controlling message traffic.
NFS A network file system developed by Sun Microsystems for shared files over a UNIX platform.
Node An alternative name for a computer or device (such as a printer or modem) that is connected to a network.
NOS Network operating system.
OSI Open Systems Interconnection, a body of standards set by the International Standards Organization to define the activities that must occur when computers communicate. There are seven layers, and each contains a specific set of rules to follow at that point in the communication.
PAP Password Authentication Protocol. Part of the PPP protocol to ensure authentication of the connection between two devices.
Piggyback A way of transmitting routing information over ISDN lines by adding it to valid data frames. This avoids ISDN calls being generated solely for passing routing information.
Physical layer The first layer of the OSI network layer model. This layer manages the transfer of individual bits of data over wires, or whatever medium, that is used to connect workstations and peripherals.
Polling A method of controlling terminals on a