Quick Configuration |
IP Mask of the remote host’s network By default, this field is set to INTERNET. Use this option if all IP traffic is to be passed to a single destination and no other route exists. If you want to route to a specific unit, type an IP subnet mask to match the address type being used.
Make of remote router This option sets PPP parameters needed to connect to the remote unit in its default configuration. If the remote unit’s
PPPconfiguration has been altered, you will need to amend the PPP parameters on this unit to reflect the changes. Refer to the AccessBuilder ISDN Access Router Software Reference guide for more information
Toggle this field to the type of remote router to which you are connecting. The PPP options for the default settings at the remote router are then automatically configured when you press [CTRL]+[E] to exit this screen. The options are:
■Default – Use this option if you are connecting to another AccessBuilder 500. Also use this option if the remote unit is none of the following and amend the PPP parameters accordingly.
■3Com – 3Com NETBuilder router.
■Cisco – Cisco router.
■Ascend – Ascend router.
■Spider – Spider/Shiva router.
If you are connecting to a Spider/Shiva router, you need also to edit the ISDN port’s configuration and set the PAP field in the LCP Configuration screen to Incoming. See the AccessBuilder ISDN Access Router Software Reference guide for details.
PAP Password to login to Remote Site By default this is set to UNUSED. If you need to use a PAP password, enter the password provided by your Internet service provider or the system administrator responsible for the remote router. This password is submitted to the remote unit for it to verify. The password is