WARNING: Warnings contain directions that you must follow for your personal safety. Follow all instructions carefully.
Please read carefully and thoroughly the following information before installing the AccessBuilder 500:
■Exceptional care must be taken during installation and removal of the unit.
■If the power supply plug is unsuitable and you have to replace it, you may find other codings for the respective connections. Connect the power supply wires from the unit according to the following scheme:
■Brown wire to the Live (Line) plug terminal which may be marked with the letter L or colored red.
■Blue wire to the Neutral plug terminal which may be marked with the letter N or colored black.
■Yellow/green wire to the Earth (Ground) plug terminal which may be marked with the letter E, or the earth symbol or colored green/yellow. Do not connect the earth wire to any other pin.
■The safety status of the interconnection port on this equipment are as follows:
Ports identified by the labels VOICE and ISDN = TNV
Ports identified by the labels MANAGER, 10BASET, AUI and WAN = SELV
TNV (telecoms network voltage) is a circuit which under normal operating conditions carries telecommunication signals.
SELV (safety extra low voltage) is a secondary circuit which is designed and protected so that under normal and
Only connect apparatus complying with the relevant interface requirements to the ports on this unit.