Other Features
With Networking you can send and receive voice messages to and from other offices. If your company has branch offices, you can communicate with subscribers in these remote sites as easily as you do with subscribers in your own office.
Voice Intercept Messaging (VIM)
Voice Intercept Messaging (VIM) lets you provide callers with informative messages about your schedule when you are not available to answer the phone. For example, your diversion greeting could say “at lunch” or “in a meeting,” then indicate when you might be available. Callers can then decide to leave a message, transfer to an operator or personal assistant, transfer to your mobile phone or another number, or hear the menu choices again in another language. You can set a diversion so it begins immediately, or specify future diversions for scheduled activities such as meetings and vacations.
Note: Voice Intercept Messaging is sometimes also referred to as Diverted Call Processing or Message Diversion.
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