Managing the AMASS File System
Create Entries for Existing Volumes
You have just installed AMASS but your library already contains media known to your library’s interface DAS. You must “introduce” this existing media to the File System Database by performing the following procedure:
Step 1. Log in as either amass or root.
#su root
Step 2. Use the bulkinlet command to create the initial entries in the File System Database, and receive unique volume numbers from AMASS for each volume.
Step 3. Run bulkload
Step 4. New volumes in the File System Database have an initial status of unformatted (U) and inactive (I). To make the new volumes usable, change the characteristics of the volumes with the commands listed in the following table.
Command | Characteristic |
vollabel | Enter the preprinted alphanumeric |
| barcode label in the File System |
| Database |
StorageTek Redwood tape drives only:
tapelength Enter the length of tape in the Database
volformat | Format the volumes |
Command Reference |