Managing the AMASS File System
The “full backup” (backs up the Database and Journal) and “partial backups” (backs up just the Journal) will allow you to successfully restore your File System Database (and, therefore, allow you to know where data is located on what piece of media) if your current File System Database gets corrupted or the hard disk crashes.
If the Journal (/usr/filesysdb/journal) tends to fill up the available disk space before the normally scheduled full backup, increase the frequency of the full backups.
Assign Backup Volume
For detailed information on making a Backup Volume, see the "Initial Setup Tasks" chapter.
How to Modify Automated Schedule
To change the automatic backup schedule, use the procedure in the following table.
| Step | Command | Description |
| 1 | Log in as root. |
| 2 | # cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs | Change directory to |
| where the crontab file |
| is located. |
| 3 | Edit the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/amass table entry. | |
| The defaults are shown below. |
| • The first line runs a full backup at 3 a.m. (2 a.m. for IBM | |
| platforms) on the first day of every month. The second line | |
| runs a partial backup at 3 a.m. (2 a.m. for IBM platforms) | |
| on all other days of the month. |
| The six active fields are: minute, hour, day, month, day of | |
| week, and command. Each field, except the command field, | |
| may be an asterisk. |
Operational Tasks |