Managing the AMASS File System

AMASS assigned this volume a unique volume number of 33.

Step 1. Log in as either amass or root.

Step 2. To create an entry in the File System Database and receive a unique volume number from AMASS, enter the command as shown in the following example.

AMASS asks for confirmation of the process.

New volumes have an initial status of:

Inactive (I)

Unformatted (U)

Offline (O). NOTE: When volumes are destined for libraries without a mailbox, their status is Online.

#su root

#volnew 3 0A64 test 2

Request to add a new volume: Volume group will be 3 Volume position will be 0A64 Volume label will be test Volume jukebox number will be 2

Is this information correct? [y - n]: y Volume 33 has been added, status is Inactive be sure volume is formatted before activati

Step 3. To load the volume into the library and continue with the initialization process, use the commands listed in the following table.

6-00028-01 Rev A

Command Reference
