Managing the AMASS File System
The Journal tells AMASS what
Both the Database and Journal can be backed up automatically and manually. Both types of backups are described below.
If your File System Database gets corrupted or the hard disk crashes, restore the Database with the full and partial backups you have taken.
Automatic Backups Via Cron JobBecause the File System Database and the Journal are extremely important, this information must be protected. Consequently, the amassbackup command, run from a cron job, regularly backs up both the Database and Journal. This cron job was created when AMASS was installed. The cron job backs up the Database and Journal to a Backup Volume at 3 a.m. using the following schedule:
•First day of the month — Full Backup
•All other days — Partial Backup
After the backup completes, AMASS truncates the Journal file.
If the above schedule is not suitable for your site, modify the schedule by editing the crontab and changing the amassbackup entries.
Make sure these backup are successful. Look in the system log every morning for a “Backup was successful” message.
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