Managing the AMASS File System

#!/bin/sh set -a



#Store AMASS file system to tape.

#Create a complete filelist of a given

#volume group in units of N volumes on

#an amass system for any streaming

#backup utility/peripheral that can

#accept filename data to stdin such as

#cpio,ftio, and tar.



#VOLGRP - the name of the volume

#that you which to archive from $1.

#NMEGS - the number of megabytes to be

#extracted per filelist from $2

#/tmp/archivedate - control file for

#backup, modified during every complete



#Shell variables:

#TEMPFILE - temporary location for

#file listing

#MOUNTPT - the directory where the

#amass is mounted

6-00028-01 Rev A

Backup Scripts for HP-UX
