Managing the AMASS File System
Cancel Outstanding Requests
You can cancel an outstanding READ or WRITE request to the AMASS file system by using <Control C>, which is the standard UNIX interrupt signal. This can be used during normal AMASS operation.
When there has been a fatal error in AMASS, the system administrator can cancel outstanding requests, gracefully bring AMASS down, and restart AMASS (run
As a result of using killdaemons, the system administrator may notice that flag states (flags, such as A=active, C=volcomped, I=inactive, K=reserved, O=offline, Q=quick formatted, U=unformatted) may be affected. For example, a volume might show a flag state of both “Q” and “U” (formatted and unformatted).
To display the correct flags, you must rerun the AMASS administrative command that manipulates the flag, for example, rerun the volformat command. Internal ADIC testing has found this to affect the volformat, volinlet, and voloutlet commands.
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