126 Register-Based Programming Appendix B
ID Register Reading the ID register returns FFF16 in the least significant bits to indicate
the manufacturer is Hewlett-Packard and the module is an A16 register-
based device.
Reading the Register Via Command Module PEEK command: DIAG:PEEK? 2083328,16
(2083328 = base with logical address 40 + 0 offset - see Figure B-2)
Via Digitizer Module PEEK command: DIAG:PEEK? 0 (0 signifies the first
word, 16 bits, zero-base numbering system)

Device Type

Reading the Device Type Register returns 26616 in the least significant bits
to identify the device as the E1563A 2-Channel Digitizer or 26716 in the least
significant bits to identify the device as the E1564A 4-Channel Digitizer.
Reading the Register Via Command Module PEEK command: DIAG:PEEK? 2083330,16
(2083328 = base with logical address 40 + 02 offset - see Figure B-2)
Via Digitizer Module PEEK command: DIAG:PEEK? 1 (1 signifies the
second word, 16 bits, zero-base numbering system)



Writes to the Status/Control Register (base + 0416) which enables you to

reset the module and set either A24 or A32 decoding. You can also read the

MODID bit.

Trigger Control/Source Register base + 3C16
Sample Control/Source Register base + 3E16
Description Address
base + 0016 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read Device Class
Addr Space
Manufacturer ID - returns FFF16 (-1228910) in Hewlett-Packard A16 only
base + 0216 15 14 13 12 11 10 9876543210
01 1 1
E1563A (2-Channel Digitizer) = 26616 (61410)
E1564A (4-Channel Digitizer) = 26716 (61510 )
base + 0416 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Write* A Unde-
A24 Undefined F E Undefined S R
Read** A M MOT-
A24 Unde-
Memory Size F E Arm Delay RDY P S R