Agilent Technologies E3634A Application Programs Example Program for Excel, End of Program 142

Models: E3634A E3633A

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Dim commandString As String

Chapter 6 Application Programs

Example Program for Excel 97


'This routine send a SCPI command string to the GPIB port or RS-232 port.

'If the command contains a question mark, the response is read, and returned '********************************************************************************** Private Function SendSCPI(command As String) As string

Dim commandString As String

' Command passed to power supply

Dim ReturnString As String

' Store the string returned

Dim crlfpos As Integer

' Location of any nul’s in Read Buffer

Dim ReadBuffer As String * 512

' Buffer used for returned string

Dim actual As Long

' Number of characters sent/returned

commandString = command & Chr$(10)

' The instrumented by linefeed

ErrorStatus = viWrite(power_supply, ByVal commandString, Len(commandString), _ actual)

CheckError "Can’t Write to Device"

If bGPIB = False Then

delay 0.5 End If

If InStr(commandString, "?") Then

ErrorStatus = viRead(power_supply, ByVal ReadBuffer, 512, actual) CheckError "Can’t Read From Device"

ReturnString = ReadBuffer

crlfpos = InStr(ReturnString, Chr$(0)) If crlfpos Then

ReturnString = Left(ReturnString, crlfpos - 1)

End If

SendSCPI = ReturnString

End If

End Function

Private Function ClosePort()

ErrorStatus = viClose(power_supply)

ErrorStatus = viClose(defaultRM)

End Function

Private Function delay(delay_time As Single)

Dim Finish As Single

Finish = Timer + delay_time


Loop Until Finish <= Timer

End Function

Private Function CheckError(ErrorMessage As String)

If ErrorStatus < VI_SUCCESS Then

Cells(5, 2) = ErrorMessage



End If

End Function

End of Program


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Image 143
Agilent Technologies E3634A, E3633A manual Application Programs Example Program for Excel, End of Program 142