Even Second error annunciator, 35
Exit Core Firmware key, 38 exponential averaging, 91 Ext Front key, 92
Ext Rear key, 92 external reference, 35
using an, 71 External Reference error
annunciator, 34
factory defaults, presetting, 82 FFT Length key, 101
FFT Size menu, 101 FFT Window key., 100 file features, 67 Firmware Revision key, 74 firmware updates, 38 floppy disk drive, 28
Frame Timer key, trigger menu, 85
Free Run key, 92 Freq Ref key, 71 frequency
selecting the, 86 FREQUENCY/channel key, 86 front panel key menu maps, 20 front panel keys, 24
Front Panel Test, 148 Function key, 96
GPIB Address key, 69
GPIB cable, 191
GPIB keys, 69
hardware configuration keys, 73 Help key, 29
Home key, 28 Host ID key, 74 Host Name key, 69 HP 13242G Cable, 42 HP 24542G/H Cable, 42 HP 24542M Cable, 43
HP 24542U Cable, 41, 44, 45 HP
HP C2913A/C2914A Cable, 43 HP
HP sales and service offices, 184
I and Q waveform view
I or Q waveform window, 106 I or Q waveform window
amplitude Y scale, 106 reference position, 106 reference value, 106 scale coupling, 107 scale per division, 106
span X scale, 106 reference position, 106, 118 reference value, 106, 118 scale coupling, 106, 119 scale per division, 106, 118
I origin
I/Q polar window, 120 I Origin key, 107
I waveform window amplitude Y scale, 119
reference position, 119 scale coupling, 119 scale per division, 119
I/O,configuring, 69 I/Q Input Z key, 84 I/Q Polar view
waveform measurement, 120 I/Q polar view
I/Q polar window, 107, 120 I/Q polar window
amplitude Y scale, 107 I/Q scale per division, 107 Q Origin, 107
I origin, 120
I/Q scale per division, 120
Qorigin, 120 span X scale, 107
I Origin, 107 I/Q scale per division
I/Q polar window, 120 I/Q Scale/Div key, 107 I/Q Waveform key, 93 I/Q waveform view
I/Q waveform window, 119 I/Q waveform window, 118, 119
amplitude Y scale, 119 reference position, 119 reference value, 119 scale coupling, 119 scale per division, 119
IF Align Signal menu Signal Amptd key, 84 Signal Rate key, 84 Signal Type key, 84
IF Flatness
advanced spectrum feature, 102
Input Atten key, 84 input attenuation, 84 input configuration, 176 Input menu
50 MHz Ref key, 83 I/Q key, 83
Port key, 83 RF key, 83
input port selection, 178 input/output keys, 69 inputs
external trigger, 29 I and Q, 29
inputs, configuration, 69 Install Now key, 39 installing measurement
personalities, 36 instrument firmware updates, 38 internal reference selection, 178 IP Address key, 69
IQ port selection, 178
key access path, 53 key access table, 53 key entries, 53 key menu maps, 20 keyboard
attaching external, 31 keywords for licensing, 74
LAN keys, 69
Level key, trigger menu, 85 license keys installed, 74 Line key, 92
line power input, 31
linear enevelope window, 118, 119 linear spectrum window
amplitude Y scale, 105 reference position, 105 reference value, 105 scale coupling, 105 scale per division, 105
Span key, 105 Load State key, 67 loading an
application/personality, 36 local
placing instrument in, 76
making basic measurements, 88
194 | Index |