Marker key, 95 Marker menu
Band Pwr key, 96 Delta key, 96 Function key, 96 Noise key, 96 Select key, 96 Shape key, 96
Max Total Pwr key, 84 Meas Control key, 90 Measure softkey, 90 measurement
channel power, 133 power stat CCDF, 137
display, 139 spectrum
display, 107 measurement bar, 34 measurement modes available, 74 measurement personalities
retrofit, 190 measurement reference type
spectral power density
reference, 128
total power reference, 128 measurements
basic, 88
how to make, 88
spectrum (frequency domain), 177
waveform (time domain), 177 menu map, 20
Min Pts in RBW key, 101 mode
availability, 74 basic, 88 selecting, 82 setup, 83
Mouse Adapter (typical), 43
N2714A cal and adj software, 192 Navigation keys, 28
Next Window key, 28 Noise key, 96 Normal key, 95
on/off switch, 29 Options
0B1 (standard manual set), 189 0BV (service guide), 190
0BW (service guide and specifications), 190
1CM (rack mount kit), 190 1CN (handle kit), 190
1CP (rack mount and handle kit), 190
1CR (rack slide kit), 190
202 (EDGE with/GSM), 188
252 (EDGE w/GSM), 189
B78 (cdma 2000), 187, 189 BAC (cdmaOne), 186 BAE (NADC/PDC), 186 BAF
options available, 74
outputs, configuration, 69
parallel connector, 32 parallel interface cable, 191 pc cables for
combining the multiple signals, 136
correlation between symbols on different codes, 136
digital signal processing, 136 display
Gaussian line, 139 set trace line, 139 trace line, 139
Gaussian distribution curve, 136
band limited gaussian noise CCDF reference line, 136
instantaneous envelope power, 136
marker, 140 delta, 140 marker all off, 140 normal, 140
off, 140 select, 140 shape, 140 trace, 140
measurement bandwidth, 138 measurement interval, 138 modulation filtering, 136 modulation format, 136 number of active codes, 136 number of sampling points, 138 power complementary
cumulative distribution function curves, 136
probability for that particular power level, 136
preamplifiers, 191
factory default, 82 Preset key, 89
Print Location key, 63 Print Setup key, 63 Print Type key, 63 printer, 191
custom, 64 Printer key, 63 printers, 191
AC and DC, 191 problems
error messages, 180
feature cannot be accessed, 180 LAN connection, 180
Q origin
I/Q Polar window, 120
I/Q polar window, 120
QOrigin key, 107
Q waveform window amplitude Y scale, 119
reference position, 119 reference value, 119 scale coupling, 119 scale per division, 119
rear panel connection keys, 69 rear panel connections, 30 Ref Position key, 93
Ref Value key, 93 Reference key, 71
reference, selecting internal, 178 repair, returning your
instrument, 184 repeat averaging, 91 Res BW key
spectrum measurement, 100 waveform measurement, 114 Restore Align Defaults key, 79 Restore Meas Defaults key, 90 Restore Sys Defaults key, 73
Return key, 28
returning your instrument, 184
Index | 195 |