50MHz Amptd key, 144
50MHz Ref key, 83
AC probe, 191 Accessories, 191 accessories
AC probe, 191
broadband preamplifiers, 191 cal and adj software, 192 GPIB cable, 191
parallel cable, 191
parallel interface cable, 191 printer, 191
printers, 191
measurement reference type, 128
view/trace selection, 128 active function area, 33 active license key, 38
how to locate, 38 ADC calibration, 174 ADC Dither key
spectrum measurement, 102 ADC Range key
spectrum measurement, 101 ADC ranging function
automatic control, 114 automatic peak control, 114 automatic peak lock, 114 manual control, 114
address settings, 69 adjustment, 77 adjustment keys, 73 adjustment software, 192 Advanced menu
spectrum, 100 waveform, 114 advanced menu
ADC dither, 115
ADC ranging function, 114 decimation, 115
number of data points, 134
trigger source, 134
Align 50 MHz Reference key, 78 Align ADC key, 78
Align All Now key, 77
Align Current IF Flatness key, 78 Align Current Sysgain key, 78 Align IF key, 78
Align RF key, 78
Align Subsystems key, 78 alignment commands, 174 alignment keys, 73 Alignments key, 77 Alpha Editor key, 68 amplifiers, 191 amplitude Y scale
reference position, 135 reference value, 135 scale coupling, 135 scale per division, 135
annunciator bar, 35 application modes available, 74 application notes, 17
Auto Align key, 77
Auto Trig key, trigger menu, 85 averaging
transmit band spurs, 176, 178 Averaging menu
Avg Mode key, 91 Avg Number key, 91 Avg Type key, 91
Band Pwr key, 96 Baseband I/Q inputs
key access table, 172 key entries, 172 key path, 172
Baseband IQ measurements, 154 Basic key, 88
basic mode,selecting, 82 broadband preamplifiers, 191 bus configuration keys, 69
cable GPIB, 191
parallel interface, 191
cal and adj software, 192 calibration, 77
ADC, 174
calibration commands, 174 calibration keys, 73 calibration software, 192 channel
selecting the, 86 channel power, 131
advanced menu, 131, 134 amplitude Y scale
scale/div, 135 changing display, 135 channel bandwidth, 131
channel power span, 134 integration bandwidth, 133 power spectral density, 131 time record length, 131
Choose Option key, 39 code updates, 38 computers
mode, 21
context dependency maps front panel, 23 measure, 22
mode, 22 Corrections key, 79 Corrections Off error
annunciator, 34 custom printer, 64
data entry, 27 numeric keys, 27
Data Packing
spectrum measurement, 102, 114
DC probes use of, 191
spectrum measurement, 102 defaults, factory presets, 82 Delay key, trigger menu, 85 deleting an
application/personality, 36 Delta key, 96
DeskJet printers, 191 diagnostic commands, 174 Diagnostics key, 74 display
spectrum window, 175 documentation
option, 15 transmitter tester, 15
editing text, 68
Error annunciator, 34 errors
corrections off, 35 keys, 73
oven cold, 35
troubleshooting front panel, 180 unlock, 35
ESC key, 24
Ethernet Addr key, 69 ethernet key, 69
Index | 193 |