AT-GS950/48PS Switch Web Interface User’s Guide
System Priority
It is possible for two devices interconnected by an aggregate trunk to encounter a conflict when they form the trunk. For example, the two devices might not support the same number of active ports in an aggregate trunk or might not agree on which ports are active and which are in standby mode.
If a conflict does occur, the two devices need a mechanism for resolving the problem and deciding whose LACP settings take precedence. This is the function of the system LACP priority value. This value is used whenever the devices encounter a conflict creating a trunk - the lower the number, the higher the priority. As a result, the settings on the device with the higher priority take precedence over the settings on the other device. If both devices have the same system LACP priority value, the settings on the switch with the lowest MAC address take precedence. In the
The LACP System Priority is