| |
Ingress Rate Limiting | 143 |
Egress Rate Limiting | 143 |
Configuration | 144 |
Ingress Rate Limiting | 146 |
Egress Rate Limiting | 148 |
Chapter 13: Virtual LANs | 149 |
VLAN Overview | 150 |
151 | |
Tagged VLAN Overview | 152 |
General Rules for Creating a Tagged VLAN | 154 |
Assign Ports to a VLAN Mode | 155 |
Tagged VLAN Configuration | 157 |
Create a Tagged VLAN | 157 |
Modify a Tagged VLAN | 158 |
Delete a Tagged VLAN | 160 |
Tagged VLAN Port Settings | 162 |
164 | |
Create a | 164 |
Modify a | 165 |
Chapter 14: GVRP | 167 |
Overview and Guidelines | 168 |
General Configuration | 169 |
Port Settings | 170 |
Time Settings | 172 |
Chapter 15: Quality of Service and Cost of Service | 175 |
Overview | 176 |
Packet Priority | 176 |
Egress Queue vs Packet Priority Mapping | 177 |
Prioritizing Untagged Packets | 178 |
Scheduling | 178 |
Mapping CoS Priorities to Egress Queues | 180 |
Associate Ports to CoS Priorities | 182 |
Associate DSCP Classes to Egress Queues | 183 |
Queue Scheduling Algorithm | 185 |
Advanced Features | 187 |
Chapter 16: SNMPv1 and v2c | 189 |
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c Overview | 190 |
Trap Receiver Attributes | 191 |
Activate SNMP Interface | 192 |
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c User and Group Names | 193 |
Create User and Group Names | 193 |
Modify User and Group Names | 194 |
Delete User and Group Names | 195 |
SNMP Community Strings | 196 |
Create SNMP Community Strings | 196 |
Modify SNMP Community Strings | 197 |
Delete SNMP Community Strings | 197 |
SNMP Traps | 198 |
Create Trap Host Table Entry | 198 |
Modify a Trap Host Table Entry | 199 |
Delete a Trap Host Table Entry | 199 |
Chapter 17: SNMPv3 | 201 |