AT-WA1004G User’s Guide
MAC Address
❏This address is a
❏The address here in on the WAN (Internet) port, and has no effect on the LAN interface.
❏If your ISP asks for the Network Adapter Address, Physical Address, Hardware Address, or MAC Address for the PC the DSL/Cable modem is connected to, provide this value.
❏If your ISP has already recorded a MAC address, you can change the address used by the
❏If the address is changed, the router must restart.
Changing the MAC address:
❏You can enter the desired MAC address directly.
❏Click the “Default” button to insert the default MAC address into the address field. You must click “Save” to actually change the address used.
❏Click the “Copy from PC” button to copy the MAC address from your PC (actually, the network adapter on your PC) to the address field. You must click “Save” to actually change the address used.
❏If your ISP has recorded a Hardware Address, you can “spoof” that address by entering it in the address field. The hardware address consists of 12 HEX characters, where each character is a digit (0..9) or a character between A and F.