System Triggers

Event Location Output Location Option Location Time Option Default Times
Any alarm activation...................................... 0122 .......... 000 ........... 0188 .......... 010 ............ 0475 ...........005 Unit disarm or as long as alarm
cut off and reset
Burglary ......................................................... 0123 .......... 000 ........... 0189 .......... 010 ............ 0476 ...........005 Same as above
Fire ................................................................ 0124 .......... 000 ........... 0190 .......... 010 ............ 0477 ...........005 Same as above
Panic ............................................................. 0125 .......... 000 ........... 0191 .......... 010 ............ 0478 ...........005 Same as above
Silent Panic .................................................... 0126 .......... 000 ........... 0192 .......... 010 ............ 0479 ...........005 Same as above
Auxiliary 1 and 2 ........................................... 0127 .......... 000 ........... 0193 .......... 010 ............ 0480 ...........005 Unit zone is restored
Pre-alarm ....................................................... 0128 .......... 000 ........... 0194 .......... 010 ............ 0481 ...........005 Duration of Pre-alarm
Extended Monitor .......................................... 0129 .......... 000 ........... 0195 .......... 010 ............ 0482 ...........005 Location 0175
Remote Phone Access.................................... 0130 .......... 000 ........... 0196 .......... 010 ............ 0483 ...........005 Duration of call
Emergency ..................................................... 0131 .......... 000 ........... 0197 .......... 010 ............ 0484 ...........005 Same as any activation
Arm to HOME................................................ 0132 .......... 000 ........... 0198 .......... 010 ............ 0485 ...........005 Duration armed to HOME
Arm to AWAY................................................. 0133 .......... 000 ........... 0199 .......... 010 ............ 0486 ...........005 Duration armed to AWAY
Arm to NIGHT ............................................... 0148 .......... 000 ........... 0214 .......... 010 ............ 0501 ...........005 Duration armed to NIGHT
Arm to HOME, NIGHT, or AWAY .................. 0134 .......... 000 ........... 0200 .......... 010 ............ 0487 ...........005 Duration armed to HOME
Disarm ........................................................... 0135 .......... 000 ........... 0201 .......... 010 ............ 0488 ...........005 5 seconds
Access Code Entered ..................................... 0136 .......... 000 ........... 0202 .......... 010 ............ 0489 ...........005 5 seconds
Alert ............................................................... 0137 .......... 000 ........... 0203 .......... 010 ............ 0490 ...........005 As long as alert LED is on
Loss of Phone Line ......................................... 0138 .......... 000 ........... 0204 .......... 010 ............ 0491 ...........005 As long as phone line is gone
Duress Disarm ............................................... 0139 .......... 000 ........... 0205 .......... 010 ............ 0492 ...........005 5 seconds
Duress When Not Armed ............................... 0140 .......... 000 ........... 0206 .......... 010 ............ 0493 ...........005 5 seconds
AC Fail ........................................................... 0141 .......... 000 ........... 0207 .......... 010 ............ 0494 ...........005 Until restore
Two-way Voice .............................................. 0142 .......... 000 ........... 0208 .......... 010 ............ 0495 ...........005 As long as in two-way mode
Smoke Reset .................................................. 0143 .......... 000 * (see below)
Speech Activation .......................................... 0144 .......... 000 ........... 0210 .......... 010 ............ 0497 ...........005 Only at voice announciation
Ring Detect .................................................... 0145 .......... 000 ........... 0211 .......... 010 ............ 0498 ...........005 Duration of Ring
House Phone Off Hook.................................. 0146 .......... 000 ........... 0212 .......... 010 ............ 0499 ...........005 As long as off hook
Communicator Fail ........................................ 0147 .......... 000 ........... 0213 .......... 010 ............ 0500 ...........005 Until communication established
Trigger a Relay ............................................... 0149 .......... 000 ........... 0215 .......... 010 ............ 0502 ...........005 See: System Option - Group2
* Smoke is a special trigger and no options or delays are allowed.
Smoke reset function is as follows:
The assigned output will do an "ON" activity for 5 seconds.
The assigned output will do an "OFF" activity.
An additional 5 second settling delay for smoke devices is counted down.