System Triggers Option

Option - Enter Total Value
Activation Action
Do Nothing ................................................................................................................... 000
Turn Output Off ............................................................................................................ 001
Turn Output On ............................................................................................................ 002
Turn Output Off, Start Delay ......................................................................................... 003
Turn Output On, Start Delay ......................................................................................... 004
Restore Action
Do Nothing ................................................................................................................... 000
Turn Output Off ............................................................................................................ 008
Turn Output On ............................................................................................................ 016
Turn Output Off, Start Delay ......................................................................................... 024
Restore Timer
Restore after value in Time location (in seconds) .......................................................... 016
Default ......................................................................................................................... 010

System Triggers Option Legend

OFF at NOTHING at 001
Comes ON/Stays ON NOTHING at 002
OFF at/DELAY/Then Goes OFF NOTHING at 003
ON at/DELAY/Then Goes OFF NOTHING at 004
NOTHING at OFF at 008
OFF at ON at 016
NOTHING at ON at/DELAY/Then Comes ON 024
OFF at OFF at 009
OFF at NO at 017
OFF at OFF at/DELAY/Then Comes ON 025
ON at OFF at 010
ON at ON at 018
ON at OFF at/DELAY/Then Comes ON 026
OFF at/DELAY Then Comes ON OFF at 011
OFF at/DELAY/Then Comes ON ON at 019
OFF at/DELAY/Then Comes ON OFF at/DELAY/Then Comes ON 027
ON at/DELAY/Then Goes OFF OFF at 012
ON at/DELAY/Then Goes OFF ON at 020
ON at/DELAY/Then Goes OFF OFF at/DELAY/Then Comes ON 028
System Triggers allow the Destiny 4100 to control outputs based on system events. Each event has an output, option
and time location. The output location determines which of the available outputs is controlled when an event
activation occurs. The on-board output pins are outputs 1-4, the on-board relay is output 8, and if added, 8
additional relay outputs are available on an EXP-8 board (9-16). The option locations determine how the panel
should respond when a trigger event occurs and restores. Not all triggers have a natural restore action (see Glossary).
For these triggers it is suggested that the Restore timer option is enabled. Place a time (in seconds) in the time
location. Each time the event trigger action occurs, the panel will wait the programmed time period and then
execute the programmed restore action. For a complete listing of the activation and restore events for each trigger,
consult the Glossary in the back of this manual.