Touch Tone / Pulse: This location determines the type phone service the panel uses for dialing. Program 000
for touch-tone or 001 for rotary.
Track Activations: With this option enabled, each individual zone activation will be written to long term
memory as opposed to only the zone activation that created the alarm. For example, the
back door causes an activation, then a passive infrared zone detects motion and then the
front door opens. With this option enabled all of the activations will be written to
memory versus only the back door. In addition, as each zone is violated the speech
driver will speak the most recent zone violated as opposed to only the initial zone.
Regardless how this option is programmed, each zone will be reported to the central
Triggers: Each trigger can send an on/off command during activation or restore. The trigger
descriptions (below) specify activation and restore conditions. Enter the total of the
appropriate options in the option location for each used trigger.
Any Alarm Activation: Activates the specified output during all alarm activations. The
output is restored after disarm and at alarm cutoff and reset.
Burglary: Activates the specified output during all burglary activations. The output is
restored after disarm and at alarm cutoff and reset.
Fire Output: Activates the specified output during all fire activations. The output is
restored after disarm and at alarm cutoff and reset.
Panic: Activates the specified output during all panic activations. The output is restored
after disarm and at alarm cutoff and reset.
Silent Panic: Activates the specified output during all silent panic activations. The
output is restored after disarm and at alarm cutoff and reset.
Pre-Alarm: Activates the specified output during pre-alarm. The output is restored after
disarm or an activation.
Extended Monitor: Activates the specified output during an extended monitor activation.
The output is restored when the extended monitor expires.
Remote Phone Access: Activates the specified output when remote phone access is
active. The output is restored when the remote phone access ends.
Emergency: Activates the specified output during all emergency activations. The output
is restored after disarm and at alarm cutoff and reset.
Arm to HOME: Activates the specified output when the panel is armed to HOME. The
output is restored after disarm.
Arm to AWAY: Activates the specified output when the panel is armed to AWAY. The
output is restored after disarm or a change to a different arming state.
Arm to NIGHT: Activates the specified output when the panel is armed to NIGHT. The
output is restored after disarm or a change to a different arming state.
Arm to HOME or AWAY: Activates the specified output when the panel is armed to
HOME or AWAY. The output is restored after disarm.