connecting additional equipment
external modem 53 external monitor
SCSI devices
Connection File
Connection Port
connection scripts. See modem files contrast control 2, 8
adjusting 8 Control key 136
Control Panels (Apple menu)
for accessing Software Highlights 66 PowerBook Setup 56
Control Strip 18, 71 lightning bolt icon in 74
copying files, problems with 92 cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) 122
preventing 122,
debugging application, special key combination for 139
defaults, PRAM reset and 81 Delete key 136
deleting an item 18
deleting files, problems with 90 desktop
not appearing at startup 82 rebuilding at startup 84
diacritical marks, typing characters with
diagnostic techniques
hard disk
Disk First Aid icon 112, 114 disk image, defined 10 Disk Images folder 10
disks. See floppy disks; hard disk Disk Tools disk
carrying when traveling 131
for reinstalling system software 111, 112, 114
for startup problems 81 for testing hard disk 109 display. See also screen display
DOC statement viii document, unable to open 88 Drive Setup application program
Drive Setup icon 109
Easy Access control panel, Slow Keys option problem 94
Easy Install dialog box 113, 117 eject button, for PC Card 44 ejecting a disk, problems with 92, 102 ejecting a PC Card
Eject PC Card command (Special menu) 43
electrical interference 91 electrical safety 3, 127 elevation feet 2
adjusting 5, 125 trackpad and 17
elevation foot release button 2, 5 ELF (extremely low frequency) emissions 126
empty flashing box 84
Empty Trash command (Special menu) 18