arranging your work area
arrow keys 136 arrow pointer
alternating between wristwatch and 84
external monitor problem 95 moving with trackpad 7, 16, 17 not responding to trackpad 20, 23,
85, 93 sticking or jumping 93
arrows, scroll 18 automatic sleep 22
backing up files 69 Balloon Help 34 basic operations
blank screen and 89 caring for 129
recycling 76, 129
removing or replacing
warnings about 72, 76, 127, 128, 129 work time provided by 71, 76
battery icon 71, 73
battery level indicator button 73 battery level indicator lights 71, 73 blank screen 89, 94
blinking menu bar icon 90
blinking question mark (?) disk icon 9, 83, 111
SCSI disk mode and 99
bomb icon 79 brightness control 2, 8
adjusting 8
startup problems and 80, 82 buying floppy disks 10
cable terminators, SCSI 54, 55 caps lock indicator 136 Caps Lock key 136
carpal tunnel syndrome. See repetitive stress injuries
CCLs. See modem files
chair, recommendations for 123 Chooser, printer problems and
Clean Install dialog box 116 clean system software installation
close box 18
in Macintosh Guide window 33 closing the computer, for entering sleep
mode 21
code numbers, in error messages 85 Command (x) key 136
for special characters 137, 138 CommToolbox (Connection Port
menu), in AppleLink 49 communications software 46
screen display problems 94 setting up 47, 48, 49
Communications Toolbox support 46 compatibility, software ix condensation, trackpad affected by 17