traveling with the computer
arrow pointer not responding 20, 23, 85, 93
blank screen 89, 94 blinking menu bar icon 90 blinking question mark (?) disk icon
9, 83, 99, 111 computer doesn’t start 80 desktop not appearing at startup 82 desktop rebuilding at startup 84 diagnostic techniques
empty flashing box 84 error message codes 85 external equipment 100. See also
specific types
file can’t be thrown away 90 flickering screen 94 floppy disk drive 92 Floppy Disk Maker 82 font files 89
Guide menu for 17
hard disk drive 93,
memory access problems 91 memory insufficient
monitor, external 61,
power adapter problems 84 PowerBook display
RAM expansion card problem 160 restart problems 84
screen display
SCSI connection problems 57 SCSI equipment or SCSI disk mode
service recommendations 133 shutting down 20
startup problems
system software
unusual sounds at startup
turning the computer off
problems with
Utilities folder
Drive Setup in
Floppy Disk Maker folder in 11, 13
VCCI statement viii
very low frequency (VLF) emissions 126 VGA monitor, connecting to
video adapter cable 54, 59
video mirroring, external monitor problems and 95
video port 2, 51, 61 attaching video adapter to 61 disconnecting video adapter from 62
virtual memory 64, 70 viruses, checking for 85
VLF (very low frequency) emissions 126