8400B Plus Data Module
voice call origination from your PC using the ATDP command (however, these calls must be terminated manually).
Data metering which allows the data module and associated terminal to operate at higher speeds than the
Supports the semicolon modifier which enables an automatic return to the command mode after dialing a data call.
Speakerphone Activation before Dialing
For terminal dialed voice calls, you can delay speakerphone activation until after a call is dialed. You would not hear touch tones or dial tone in this case.
Local and remote loopback tests with test duration timer
Voice terminal powered by the PBX is not affected if AC power is removed from the 8400B Plus data module.
Data features for host or terminal applications include:
Hayes SMARTMODEM 2400 user interface emulation
An AT&T power supply unit is shipped with each 8400B Plus data module. This unit connects to a grounded AC outlet, and provides a connection between the PBX wall jack and the 8400B Plus data module. The power supply unit provides the necessary operating voltages for the 8400B Plus data module.
Setting Options
There are 28
You can check the current value stored in all
To change the value in any one
For a full description of all 28