7434D Voice Terminal
Power Requirements
The 7434D voice terminal is phantom-powered from the system cabinet, or from a local power
supply, on the digital pairs of the line wiring. Adjuncts connected to the 7434D voice terminal
require auxiliary power and do not impose a drain on the voice terminal supply. Refer to the
ADJUNCT POWER section of this manual.
Power Failure Operation
The 7434D voice terminal cannot be used as an emergency station during power failure transfer
FCC Registration
The 7434D voice terminal is not FCC registered.
Hearing Aid Compatible
This voice terminal is compatible with the inductively coupled hearing aids prescribed by the FCC.
7434 Equipment Price Element Codes (PECs)
The 7434D voice terminal and optional components can be ordered with the following PECs:
Basic voice terminal (black)—3187-39D MNT03
Basic voice terminal (black) wall mounted—3187-39D MNT13
Basic voice terminal (misty cream)—3187-39D MNT08
Basic voice terminal (misty cream) wall mounted—3187-39D MNT18
Handset cord (12 feet, black)2725-01L COL09
Handset cord (12 feet, misty cream)—2725-01L COL20
Line cord (14 feet, silver)2725-07N COL18
Line cord (25 feet, silver)2725-07S COL18