Compressor type:

.... Unit serial No. compressor:

Air dryer type:

.... Unit serial No. dryer:

Motor type:

.... Motor serial No.:

Delivery date:

.... First start-up date:

Service Plan:

.... Owner's machine No.:

Selected lubricants




.... Capacity:

Bearing grease type, electric motor:

Dryer gearbox

.... Capacity

Printed Matter Nos.



Atlas Copco compressor instruction book:

..... Atlas Copco air dryer instruction book:

Atlas Copco compressor parts list:

.... Atlas Copco air dryer parts list:

Atlas Copco logbook:

Local Atlas Copco Representative






Contact persons:







To be read attentively and acted accordingly before installing, operating orrepairing the unit.

These recommendations apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing of any other gas requires

additional safety precautions typical to the application which are not included herein.

In addition to normal safety rules which should be observed with stationary air compressors and equipment, the following safety directions and precautions are of special importance.

When operating this unit, the operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements and ordinances.

The owner is responsible for maintaining the unit in a safe operating condition. Parts and accessories shall be replaced if unsuitable for safe operation.

Installation, operation, maintenance and repair shall only be performed by authorized, trained, competent personnel.

Normal ratings (pressures, temperatures, time settings, etc.) shall be durably marked.

Any modification on the compressor or air dryer shall only be performed in agreement with Atlas Copco and under supervision of authorized, competent personnel.

If any statement in this book, especially with regard to safety, does not comply with local legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.

These precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some statements may not apply to the unit(s) described in this book.


Apart from general engineering practice in conformity with the local safety regulations, the following directives are specially stressed:

1.A compressor or air dryer shall be lifted only with adequate equipment in conformity with local safety rules.

Looseorpivotingpartsshallbesecurelyfastenedbeforelifting. Itis strictlyforbiddentodwellorstayintheriskzoneunderaliftedload. Lifting acceleration and retardation shall be kept within safe limits.

W ear a safety helmet when working in the area of overhead or lifting equipment.

2.Any blanking flanges, plugs, caps and desiccant bags shall be removed before connecting up the pipes. Distribution pipes and connections shall be of correct size and suitable for the working pressure.

3.Place the unit where the ambient air is as cool and clean as possible.

If necessary,installasuctionduct. Neverobstructtheairinlet. Care shall be taken to minimize the entry of moisture with the inlet air.

4.The aspirated air shall be free from flammable fumes or vapours, e.g. paint solvents, that can lead to internal fire or explosion.

5.Air-cooled units shall be installed in such a way that an adequate flow of cooling air is available and that the exhausted air does not recirculate to the inlet.

6.Arrange the air intake so that loose clothing of people cannot be sucked in.

7.Ensure that the discharge pipe from the compressor to the aftercooler, air dryer or air net is free to expand under heat and that it is not in contact with or close to flammable material.

8.No external force may be exerted on the air outlet valve; the connected pipe must be free of strain.

9.If remote control is installed, the unit shall bear an obvious sign reading:

DANGER: This machine is remotely controlled and may start without warning.

As a further safeguard, persons switching on remotely controlled units shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the start equipment.

10.On units with automatic start-stop system, a sign stating "This machine may start without warning" shall be attached near the instrument panel.

11.In multiple compressor systems manual valves shall be installed to isolate each compressor. Non-return valves (check valves) shall not be relied upon for isolating pressure systems.

12.Never remove or tamper with the safety devices, guards or insulations fittedontheunit. Everypressurevesselorauxiliaryinstalledoutside the unit to contain air above atmospheric pressure shall be protected by a pressure-relieving device or devices as required.

13.Pipework or other parts with a temperature in excess of 80 degrees celsius and which may be accidentally touched by personnel in normal operation shall be guarded or insulated. Other high-temperature pipework shall be clearly marked.

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(continued on inside of cover)

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Atlas Air Compressor manual Wnership Data