the list to the map which satisfies a search for the given LUN.
NumEntries: decimal number of map lines displayed
Target Name: target name
Lun : target LUN
sb: decimal SCSI bus number
st: decimal SCSI target number
sl: decimal SCSI LUN number Immediate command, single target mode: RouteDisplay iSCSI <lun>
Immediate command, multiple target mode: RouteDisplay iSCSI <Target Name> <lun>
Specifies the SCSI initiator ID to be used on the specified SCSI port. All maps coinciding with the
Default: 7
Set syntax: set SCSIInitID [sb
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SCSIInitID
Returns a list of SCSI devices operational on the referenced SCSI port.
Immediate command: SCSITargets [sb]
58 CLI