Extras for your telephone
Hotel functions*
Layout of the hotel functions on the DSS module*
1 | Other keys | Destination keys for guests |
2 | Exit | For ending an operating procedure. The DSS module |
| returns to displaying the calling status of the room |
| telephones. |
3 | Charge limit | The guest can only incur charges up to the amount |
| specified in the telephone system. |
| guest | call this guest directly, but must be connected via the |
| switchboard. |
5 | Message | The switchboard can send a message to a room tele- |
| phone. |
6 | DDD (Disable Direct | An external caller cannot directly dial the guest’s |
| Dial) | room, but must be connected via the switchboard. |
7 | Check in / Check out | For checking guests in and out. |