Making calls as usual
Accepting Calls
You can pick up the phone as usual and talk to the caller.
When another user is called within your system, you can pick up the call to your tele- phone.
It is also possible to accept calls with the key Monitoring /
You can set you phone so that it is automatically set to
You don’t accept a call though, but can put it on hold for the moment. You can thus finish an initiated operating procedure (i.e. editing a phone book entry).
External calls can be diverted to
When you are called (→ p. 18)
When another phone is called (pick up) (→ p. 18)
Accept call for a partner (→ p. 18)
Call during a call (second call) (→ p. 18)
Call during a programming procedure (→ p. 19)
Call forwarding (→ p. 19)