Headset 105
Headset volume 88
Headset, enabling use of 87
Hotel Functions 108
Hunt group 83
Idle display 12
Input, cancelling 11
Internal 20
Keys, assigning functions to 72 Keys, assignment 72
Labelling Strip 75
Language 15, 67
Language versions of the user manual 8 Language, selecting 70
LED 74 Letters 125 Letters on keys 13 License 5
Lines 73
Links 102
Lock 59 Locking 60 Log in 15
Log in, IP Telephone 16
Mailbox 62 Malfunctions 129 Menu 11 menu 92 Message 61 Message to guest 112 Message, writing 62 Messages 121 Messages, sending 62, 63 Monitoring 32 Monitoring, headset 87