MSN 22, 38, 48
Mute 18
Names, searching for 48
Night service 65, 126
Notes, important sections 7
Numbers, preventing display of 80
Numerous Connections 26
Open Source 5
Operation, IP Telephones 14
Overview 9
Overview, menu 126
Parties, switching between 27 Partner 66
Partners 73
Partners onto keys 73 Password 95 Phone Book 47
Phone book, editing entry 49 Phone book, general 49 Phone book, new entry 48
Phone book, saving number in a different location 50 Picking up call 18
PIN Web Browser 100
PIN, CTI Application 100
Positioning of the telephone 7 Programming 11 Protection 59
Redial 23
Redial, automatic 78, 79
Redial, number of attempts 79
Repairs 7
Ring tone 70
Ring tones 69